Chapter 150
Su Rushi interjected: "My lord, do you want to marry your fifth cousin?"

"That's right, Qianqian and I are in love with each other. In the eyes of the world, maybe Qianqian is nothing, but in my heart, she is the best. If so, stop talking about Qianqian being stupid. , I look very good." Chu Yuanzhou said lightly.

Su Rushi pursed his lips and said with a smile: "I have always believed in the eyes of the prince. If the prince said that the fifth cousin is good, it is naturally very good. I haven't been to my aunt's house for a while, and the last time I saw the fifth cousin was the third cousin. It happened a few years ago. When I met Fifth Cousin in Yun Mansion earlier, I felt that Fifth Cousin was different from ordinary sisters.

Yunqian felt a chill when she heard Su Rushi's words. In her memory, she had nothing to do with cleverness, and this Su Rushi had never looked at her when he came to Yunfu before.

At this moment, when Su Rushi said such words, he had the same virtue as Su Qiaohui, and the members of the Su family were all masters of acting.

If Su Ru praised her like this, she naturally had to express it.

Yun Qian lowered her head slightly and said: "My cousin has won the award. In terms of talent and beauty, I am not as good as my cousin."

Su Ru said with a smile: "Fifth Cousin, don't be too humble. The woman who can make the prince look good is definitely the best. Earlier, I remembered that Fifth Cousin was very fond of Young Master Yefu, and even wrote a song for him , I was shocked at the time, and I always wanted to listen to another song, but I was in a hurry after leaving, and I never had a chance to see you again. Now that we meet again, I wonder if my fifth cousin can make my long-cherished wish come true?"

Yunqian felt that the women in this dynasty were all mentally ill, playing the piano and dancing at every turn, but this Su Rushi was obviously much smarter than Ye Wuyan, so what he said was impeccable, and he said it quietly. He clarified a lot of old things, and pushed her to the forefront without making a fuss.

As for the way Su Ru looked at Chu Yuanzhou, even through the veil, she could feel 120 points of enthusiasm.

Chu Yuanzhou just said to everyone that he doesn’t want to ask about political affairs. According to this dynasty’s discrimination against women, she might have to bear the reputation of misleading Chu Yuanzhou. Su Ru said this, but he wanted to motivate her to play the piano. If it's broken, it's considered immoral, and now if you don't have any skills, then you have no talent.

She, who has no talent or virtue, is matched with Chu Yuanzhou, who is unparalleled in talent and elegance. I'm afraid that she will be the one who favors him no matter what the world thinks.

She learned the piano for Ye Wuchen, but she can 100% guarantee that Su Rushi has never heard of it.Because the matter of learning the piano is a matter of nearly three years, and Su Rushi has never been to Yunfu in the past three years.

She was about to refuse, but Chu Mo said with a smile: "The prince said earlier that he only played the piano in the boudoir with Miss Wu as your boudoir pleasure, but now it seems that the fifth lady has hidden something from the prince. Miss once said that she doesn't know how to play the piano, but now Miss Su says that Fifth Miss is good at temperament."

Chu Yuanzhou said earlier that he had heard Yunqian play the piano, but Chu Mo didn't believe it, so his words meant a run on him.

Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "Qianqian, if you are happy, play a song to explain everyone's doubts. If you are not happy, don't play it, and play it to me slowly in the future, but you have to tell me which song The song was made for Ye Wuchen."

(End of this chapter)

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