第151章 五指琴魔
Yunqian felt that Chu Mo's words were not aimed at her, but to see Chu Yuanzhou's jokes, and Chu Mo and Su Ru sang together like this, if she didn't play the piano again, she might fall into the shoes of others. It seemed that she lied to Chu Mo last time when she was named Zhong Shan.

What Chu Yuanzhou said was nothing, and from his standpoint, he really couldn't say anything. After all, the two had never had closer contact, and their understanding of each other was only a few times.

Yun Qian said with a smile: "The prince is jealous."

"A little bit." Chu Yuanzhou blinked slightly and said, "After we get married, you also have to make a song for me."

Yun Qian nodded and said: "If so, I will play the song that my cousin heard that day for Shizi today, and Shizi must not regret it after listening to it!"

The two talked a little ambiguously, and seemed to be flirting with each other. Su Rushi's eyes were a little cold, but he smiled and said, "It's really great to hear the music of my fifth cousin again."

Princess Qionghua had already changed into a set of light yellow clothes and came out. After hearing what everyone said, she hurriedly ordered someone to come out with a piano.

Yun Qian burned incense and washed her hands very seriously, and then dried her hands with a white cloth. Su Ru felt a little nervous when she saw her appearance. Looking at Yun Qian's actions, she seemed to really understand the piano. Her eyes darkened and deep in an instant. .

Yun Qian took the piano over, and then pulled out her finger slightly, the sound of the piano was deep and not pleasant.

There was a weird smile on the corner of her mouth, and then she broke the strings, only to hear the impatient piano sound coming out from her hands, the piano sound was completely devoid of rhythm, it was completely playing blindly.

Su Rushi's eyes were full of contempt, and as expected, Yun Qian didn't know how to play the piano at all.

Chu Mo and the others frowned. He had heard countless zither sounds, and there was absolutely no one who could play it more unpleasantly than Yun Qian.Earlier, he was still thinking about where Chu Yuanzhou fell in love with Yunqian. He was afraid that he had other plans, and even secretly investigated Yunqian.

It's just that Yunqian was born to a concubine's room in Yun's mansion, and that concubine's room was once the maidservant of the eldest wife Su Qiaohui, so she had no background at all.I have even carefully investigated what makes Yunqian special, but looking at Yunqian's life, except for the so-called courage and courage that she recently showed in the matter of Ye Wuchen, she is just an ordinary person. No longer an ordinary concubine.

And the Yun Qian he saw didn't have any advantages, except for a sharp mouth, there was no advantage.

He originally thought that it was very likely that Yun Qian was pretending to be all of this, but now after hearing Yun Qian's piano sound, his worries disappeared. She doesn't know any rhythm at all!
Chu Han was not as forbearing as Chu Mo, and when he heard the unpleasant piano sound, he simply covered his ears with his hands.

At the end together, everyone had different expressions on their faces, and Yun Qian was very satisfied with their performance.

Chu Yuanzhou clapped his hands and praised: "Good piano, amazing piano skills! It's like a battlefield with thousands of horses galloping! Since I returned to the capital from the battlefield, I have never been in such a turbulent mood. Qianqian, you really understand it very well. I!"

His words almost made everyone in the room vomit blood. How could such a messy and unstructured piano art be applauded?

It takes a little skill to talk nonsense like this.

It's just that everyone gave him a little applause because of his face.

(End of this chapter)

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