Chapter 152
The corner of Yunqian's mouth curled up slightly, "My son really understands me! It's hard to find a bosom friend in this world, but my son is my bosom friend."

She also admires Chu Yuanzhou very much. She played the most ugly piece of music in the world with the best piano, and Chu Yuanzhou is the only one who can sing it well. His skill can be said to be perfect.

As soon as she uttered these words, people around her had the urge to vomit. Playing the piano like this can still find a bosom friend like Chu Yuanzhou. Love is really terrible, it can make people blind and deaf.

Chu Yuanzhou thought that his face was extremely thick, but after hearing Yun Qian's words, he felt that she was not inferior to him at all. Seeing how well these words were said, it was an admission of her There is an excellent piano sound, but it is not displayed in front of others.

He got up slowly, walked slowly to Yunqian's side, gently held her hand, and then said affectionately: "I wish to stay by your side for the rest of my life, listening to you play beautiful tunes every day."

Chu Mo finally couldn't help coughing lightly, and he also worshiped Chu Yuanzhou very much. It is enough to listen to such an ugly tune once, but Chu Yuanzhou still wants to listen to it every day?He even suspected that Chu Yuanzhou had been fighting for a long time, which made him stupid, and even damaged the ears of the beautiful music he was enjoying.

Yun Qian withdrew her hand with a smile and said, "If Shizi likes it, I would like to play it to Shizi every day."

Chu Han couldn't help shivering after hearing what the two said. He is still young, so the city is naturally shallower. Zhong An couldn't help but said: "A lunatic is a lunatic, and the sound of the piano is also a lunatic!"

Yun Qian blinked and asked, "The Seventh Prince thinks the piano sounds nice, how about I play another song for the Seventh Prince?"

As soon as Chu Han thought of the qin sound just now, goose bumps all over his body fell all over the ground, and he said in disgust: "Thank you, I have no luck in my life to enjoy your qin sound, the son likes it, after you get married, you can talk to each other every night Flickering lanterns, flicking in front of the window."

Yun Qian smiled lightly and said, "My lord, the Seventh Prince is blessing us."

Chu Yuanzhou also smiled and said: "Thank you, Seventh Prince, if the Seventh Prince wants to listen to Qianqian's piano someday, he can come to Chu Palace to listen, I don't mind."

"Thank you." Chu Han gritted his teeth and said these two words, but he swore in his heart that if Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Qian got married, he would never set foot in Chu Palace again.

Su Rushi originally wanted to embarrass Yun Qian, but she didn't want Chu Yuanzhou to praise Yun Qian's piano skills, and because Chu Mo and Chu Han didn't say much because of Chu Yuanzhou's face, she suddenly felt a little blocked. .

Yun Qian smiled and said: "My cousin is the most talented woman in the capital. She is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Earlier, my mother told us sisters that as long as we have a bit of cousin's ability, we can also be ranked as talented women in the capital." It is precisely because of what my mother said that I will learn the piano, so in the final analysis, my cousin taught me the art of playing the piano, the son likes it so much, I really want to thank my cousin."

It's not Su Rushi's ability to tell nonsense, if Yun Qian is willing, she can also make nonsense more unprecedented and unprecedented.

Su Rushi's eyes were gloomy, she smiled slightly and said, "Your cousin is being polite."

Yun Qian smiled and said: "My cousin's piano skills are unparalleled. I haven't heard the sound of my cousin's piano for a long time. I wonder if I'm lucky enough to hear her play a piece today?"

(End of this chapter)

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