Chapter 1501 The Emperor Take Care
"Father has nothing to punish you." Chu Mo said lightly: "I don't think you did anything wrong. Father asked you to buy some good horses. You did a good job in this matter. .”

Chu Han looked at Chu Mo and said, "But those horses are probably not suitable for pulling carts now. After such a big incident, if they are stabbed to Xiliang again, if Xiliang comes to commit an offense, I'm afraid that the emperor will be the first to go." The one whose head is going to be beheaded is me."

"You don't have to worry too much." Chu Mo said slowly: "Just follow me to court."

Chu Han nodded slightly, but sighed unconsciously.

He felt that he had grown up a long time ago, but now it seems that he still has a lot to improve in his work.

When the two arrived at the palace, the emperor had already retreated and went to the imperial study, and the two followed to the imperial study. When they arrived at the door of the imperial study, Eunuch Zhu came out and said, "My lord, the seventh prince, your majesty I'm waiting for you inside, go in quickly!"

Chu Mo and Chu Han inspected each other, then walked in.

After the two went in, they saw Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou were there, Nangong Wushuang was kneeling on the ground at this time, and the emperor's face was very ugly.

The two saluted the emperor, and the emperor said angrily, "Look at you, what are you doing!"

Chu Han didn't dare to speak when he heard the words, and buried his head on the ground.

Chu Mo also fell on the ground and said: "Father, please calm down. The seventh brother is still young and inexperienced, so he was deceived. King Tuoyin did this because he knew that the seventh brother was eager to make contributions, and Tuoyin's good horse It is indeed difficult to buy, and the seventh brother wanted to surprise the father, so he was fooled."

"What are you talking about for so many reasons!" The emperor said angrily, "It's what happened after all! Old Qi, tell me, how should I punish you?"

Thinking of the military order, Chu Han felt a little guilty, so he could only say softly: "I know that I have made a big mistake this time, please punish me!"

"You rebellious son, I'm so mad!" The emperor gritted his teeth and said, "If punishing you can save everything, then I can kill you right now! It's not like you don't know the consequences of this incident. Seriously, it's not that I don't know how many people will be displaced if those horses die and Xiliang invades!"

Chu Han put his head on the ground and said, "If Xiliang dares to invade our dynasty, I will be the first to invite you to fight!"

"Forget it, you still go to war with your appearance! You can't even buy a horse, can you still be a queen?" the emperor gritted his teeth.

Chu Yuanzhou watched the scene and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to get angry. In my opinion, this matter is not out of control."

"What's your opinion?" The emperor sat on the dragon chair and asked. Because of this anger, he couldn't help but coughed lightly. At first, his voice was still a little quiet, but later he couldn't control it. Very powerful.

When he heard what happened at the racecourse early this morning, he was very angry at the moment. He just felt that Chu Han really did not accomplish enough, and he did more than fail. He did such a stupid thing. There is no doubt.

After Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Yi looked at each other, they both bowed to the emperor and said, "Please take care of the dragon body, Your Majesty (Father)."

Chu Mo and Chu Han also hurriedly said: "Father, please take care of the dragon body!"

(End of this chapter)

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