Chapter 1502 A Scheme

Eunuch Zhu hurriedly came over to caress the emperor's back, and said while stroking, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the Seventh Prince has already known his mistake, and this time the matter is considered to be under control. Now that all the princes are here, they will definitely come up with something A suitable way to come."

The emperor got better after taking a sip of tea, he sighed lightly and said, "I'm fine now, my son, please tell me."

Seeing the emperor's appearance, Chu Mo knew something in his heart. He knew that the emperor's body was really not well. , No one could see the emotion in his eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou made another salute and said: "In Yichen's opinion, Tuoyin is just a small country, and what he relies on is just a few good horses, so he made the emperor angry at them, and I would like to plead for orders." Take [-] soldiers and horses to level Tuoyin!"

"This is the worst policy." The emperor sighed lightly and said, "But I am very happy that you have such a distraction."

He said he was happy, but there was no joy in his eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou knew what the emperor was thinking. There was not much silver in the treasury in the Huai River disaster last year. If they really wanted to fight, it would also damage Da Zhou.

After a slight pause, he said again: "What the emperor said is true, this is the worst strategy, and I have another middle strategy."

"Let's listen to it." The emperor coughed lightly and said.

Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "The national strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty is more than a thousand times stronger than Tuoyin. The emperor can let the Seventh Prince take all these horses and return them to Tuoyin."

"In this way, after hearing the news, Xiliang will definitely think that Da Zhou is easy to bully, and I'm afraid he will really call me." The emperor sighed lightly and said, "So this method is not advisable."

The corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth raised slightly and said: "If the emperor thinks this method is not good, I still have another method. This method can solve all these problems, and it can also make Xiliang dare not touch me again."

"Oh?" The emperor asked curiously, "What method?"

Chu Yuanzhou looked at Nangong Wushuang at the side and said, "This matter may cause Princess Jing to be wronged."

Nangong Wushuang said softly: "It's okay, after I marry Prince Jing, I will be Princess Jing and a citizen of Dazhou, and I will have nothing to do with Tuoyin anymore."

Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "Princess Jing thinks too much. The matter is not as serious as you think. This time the matter was born by King Tuo Yin. I am afraid that there are still many spies from Tuo Yin country in Beijing at this time. They all want to know the outcome of this matter. As long as the emperor releases the news that the horses are fine and they will be transferred to the battlefield at a certain time, Tuoyin Kingdom will definitely be suspicious

The emperor looked a little puzzled, but Chu Yuanzhou said again: "As long as Tuo Yin becomes suspicious, things will be easy to handle. The emperor will write a letter to King Tuo Yin again, thanking him for selling me so much money this time." Please invite him to come to Dazhou for a drink. Dazhou is powerful, and Tuoyin is only a small subordinate country after all, so he dare not not come."

The emperor felt a little interesting when he heard this, looked at him and said, "Continue talking."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes moved slightly and he said: "King Tuoyin will most likely use his illness as an excuse and dare not come because of a guilty conscience, but no matter how bad it is, he will also send the crown prince here, because this is The imperial edict issued to him."

(End of this chapter)

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