Chapter 1503 Unbelievable
The emperor nodded lightly, and Chu Yuanzhou's eyes darkened when he said this: "As long as any one of them comes, this matter will be easy to handle."

The emperor asked: "The prince wants to detain them?"

"It doesn't have to be like this." Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "After they come, we can exchange the horses for them, and let them exchange ten times as many horses for these so-called good horses. Of course, when those horses don't have Before entering Beijing, it is impossible for them to leave the capital. They know very well what is going on with this matter, and dare not change it. If the emperor thinks that they are not easy to talk to, I don't mind using a little trick .”

The emperor smiled slightly after hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, he knew what Chu Yuanzhou's so-called small tricks were, so he nodded his head lightly and said: "Okay, I will leave this matter to you to deal with alright."

Chu Yuanzhou bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

But the emperor thought of one more thing and said: "You said just now that you would wrong Princess Jing, why didn't I think so much?"

"If King Tuoyin comes to Dazhou, he will definitely go to Princess Jing to find out the truth." Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "At that time, Princess Jing will definitely not be able to tell the truth, and after this incident, Princess Jing is afraid I can never go back to Tuoyin."

Nangong Wushuang said softly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I'm a member of Da Zhou now, and I never thought of going back to Tuo Yin."

After hearing her words, Chu Yi glanced at her, and his eyes suddenly became darker.

Chu Mo fell on the ground and said: "Prince Jing is so profoundly aware of righteousness, I really admire it! It's just that Tuo Yin is the mother country of Wang Concubine, I'm afraid that when the time comes, Concubine Jing will tell the truth unconsciously when she sees Queen Tuo Yin .”

Nangong Wushuang said softly: "I grew up among wolves, and my mother died at the hands of my father." 
Her words only reached this point, but all the meanings were very clear, and Chu Mo was speechless.

This matter was considered to be discussed properly. In the afternoon, the emperor asked the academician of the Imperial Academy to write an imperial edict to King Tuoyin.

But Chu Yuanzhou has completely blocked the news from the outside world, only saying that those horses are really good horses that can travel thousands of miles a day.

In the afternoon, the emperor proclaimed a holy letter, which roughly meant that Chu Han went to Tuoyin to buy horses this time, bought a lot of horses and came back with outstanding achievements, and gave him a hundred taels of gold and several jewels of various colors.

When Chu Han received the holy paper, he was in the main hall, his face was full of joy, and his eyes were a bit smug.

Seeing Chu Han's appearance, Chu Shu felt a little suspicious, but he didn't ask any more questions. The first thing he did after leaving the palace was to send someone to investigate the matter. How could the emperor reward Chu Han so much.

What he didn't see was that Chu Han's face darkened after leaving the palace and sitting in his carriage.

Chu Han's mood was extremely complicated, but it was difficult to express his helplessness in words.

That is to say, from this day on, he also felt a little suspicious and worried about Chu Mo in his heart. This elder brother whom he had always respected very much made him feel a little uneasy.

As for Chu Shu, the result was soon found out.

"What?" Chu Shu's eyes were full of shock and said, "The horses are all fine? How could this be?"

Yun Chu said slowly: "I don't know why things happened like this, but this thing is like this."

(End of this chapter)

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