Chapter 1504

"Didn't I ask you to drug those horses?" Chu Shu gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"I gave those horses medicine." Yun Chu said with some displeasure: "I have also been in contact with the guards around the Seventh Prince according to the arrangement of the Fourth Prince. I handed the bottle of medicine to him personally. If he doesn't prescribe the medicine, I have nothing to do."

"You mean that guard didn't drug the horse?" Chu Shu asked with a frown.

"Besides this reason, I can't think of any other reason." Yun Chu said very calmly: "Didn't the Fourth Prince tell me clearly when he gave me the medicine that day, what kind of grass did those horses grow up on? There is some kind of toxin, and no veterinarian in the entire capital can detoxify that poison. They also say that the poison is colorless and tasteless, and no one will find it if it is added. If this is the case, then there is only one possibility."

Chu Shu's eyes were a bit unhappy, but he also felt that this was the only possibility, but he didn't like the way Yun Chu spoke to him so much. If it wasn't for the fact that Yun Chu was still useful, he would have given Yun Meng a long time ago. to kill.

He said slowly at the moment: "So, that guard can no longer stay, you send someone to kill that guard!"

He said these words indifferently, as if killing a person under his hands is as simple and easy as trampling an ant to death.

Yun Chu took a look at Chu Shu and said, "Did the fourth prince forget? Last time I took the dead prince of the eldest prince to Feihua Bieyuan to trouble Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou, they were all killed. My There are not many killers at hand. The Fourth Prince Lao will draw a few people for me to use, if there is no one, just give me some silver taels, I can buy a brother for you and kill him."

Chu Shu took a look at Yun Chu and said, "Are all the slain warriors of Brother Dahuang dead?"

"Yes." Yun Chu didn't feel that there was anything abnormal. He glanced at Chu Shu and said, "Those people couldn't help but fight. When they met Jing Jiwei, few people could stop them. It was the same time. I run fast, otherwise I'm afraid I'll lose my life."

Chu Shu knew that Chu Yuan had spent a lot of energy and time cultivating those dead men, but he didn't expect that after being tossed by Yun Chu a few times, they were all tossed. This Yun Chu is really a prodigal son.

He chuckled lightly and said: "You really have the skills to defeat all the elder brother's people in such a short period of time, and now the elder brother is in the clan's mansion, otherwise I'm afraid you will be mad at me to death."

"The fourth prince is serious." Yun Chu said with a long sigh: "I think the eldest prince is not very good at employing people, and the masters are not by his side. Otherwise, would he enter the clan's mansion?"

Chu Shu's eyes were slightly doubtful, but Yun Chu yawned again and said, "When the fourth prince is looking for a dead man in the future, he can use this as a lesson. Either he doesn't look for it, or he looks for the best one, or else things won't work out." , it's still dangerous."

Chu Shu wanted to slap Yun Chu to death, so he said coldly, "It's not my prince's turn to teach you how to do these things."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a bank note from his pocket and threw it in front of Yun Chu, saying, "Take it, find two more powerful killers, and don't leave any traces!"

He looked a little arrogant, a little disdainful, and Yun Chu's actions seemed a little unfashionable and a little stupid to him.

(End of this chapter)

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