Chapter 1505 Leave no trace
Yun Chu took the bank note with a smile, and after looking at the denomination, he said disdainfully: "The fourth prince is not mistaken, how many experts do you want to hire with this little money? You are not dreaming, are you?"

"There are 500 taels of silver notes here, why, is it still less?" Chu Shu's eyes became more angry.

Yun Chu said disdainfully: "Since the last time Chu Yuanzhou sent someone to pick out the killer organization in the capital, the price of killers in the capital has risen sharply. All the killers think that killing people in the capital is too dangerous now, and their wages have also increased. In the past, 500 taels of silver could indeed hire a few good killers, but now I can't even hire one, so the fourth prince is too embarrassing for me to use this amount of money to find killers!"

Chu Shu narrowed his eyes into a line and said, "Then how much money do you think can find a suitable killer?"

"At least 2000 taels." Yun Chu bargained, "Otherwise, no one would take such a risk now."

Chu Shu sneered, took out a few more bank notes from his pocket and threw them in front of Yun Chu, saying, "Is it enough for now?"

"That's enough for now." Yun Chu picked up those bank notes with a smile and said: "The Fourth Prince wants to kill people without leaving any traces, and to get himself completely out of this matter, of course he has to pay some money!"

Chu Shu's eyes became colder, but Yun Chu stood up proudly and said, "Now I'm going to hire an assassin, the fourth prince can rest assured, I will definitely handle this matter properly."

Chu Shu's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say a word.

After putting away the things, Yun Chu took a look at Chu Shu and said, "Actually, I really admire the fourth prince. You are so courageous that you dare to collude with King Tuoyin and even sell the horse you bought for the seventh prince." Poisonous, the eldest prince will never have this kind of courage in his life, so now I really feel that staying with the fourth prince is the most correct choice I made."

Chu Shu sneered when he heard the words, but Yun Chu said again: "You can rest assured, the fourth prince, I will keep these secrets of yours for you, and I will never tell anyone, even if my biological father asks me, I can't say a word either."

After he finished speaking, he smiled and pushed the door away.

Chu Shu looked at Yun Chu's back and sneered. After Yun Chu left, a woman landed in front of Chu Shu and said, "How could the Fourth Prince endure such an idiot? If it were me, I would have slapped him long ago." died."

"He is still useful." Chu Shu said coldly: "Although he is a bit stupid, there are some things that only such a fool can do. That's why I love him. When something really happens in the future, there will be a scapegoat."

The woman said with a smile: "The fourth prince is still considerate.

Yunqian cured those horses at that time, but she was a little worried. After returning to the palace, she developed some prescriptions and sent them to the horse farm to feed the horses.

She knew that although the horses were mad and weak because of acclimatization, there were other reasons.

Although those horses are now staying in the Royal Racecourse, this matter is not over yet, and I am afraid that there will be more complicated matters to be dealt with in the future.

She sighed softly, her eyes darkened, and Shuxiu persuaded from the side: "The concubine should stop worrying about the things in the court for the son, and the concubine don't need to worry too much about the son's ability to handle affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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