Chapter 1509 His speculation
Yun Qian didn't have much interest in those letters, so she reached out and took the bottles. She lifted the caps of the bottles and sniffed them, then frowned.

No one else could smell this bottle of medicine, but she, a master of poison, knew it when she smelled it.

She has been looking for the introduction of the medicine that makes the horses collectively attack these days. She has made many speculations, but she still feels that there is something wrong with the prescription. Now that she saw this bottle of medicine, her heart suddenly became clear.

She guessed most of the medicine primers correctly earlier, but she didn't figure out some of the proportions. Now she can smell them all after smelling them like this.

The medicine she sent to the racecourse earlier can also detoxify, but the details in the middle still need to be adjusted.

And Chu Yuanzhou, who was reading the letter over there, had a chill in his eyes. He snorted coldly, and Yunqian asked, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"It's not wrong." Chu Yuanzhou said coldly in his eyes: "I used to think why Ah Yi was so disliked by the emperor. At first, I only thought it was because of his biological mother. Now I see this. The real reason."

Yunqian curiously opened the letter in Chu Yuanzhou's hand. She glanced at it and saw that it only told the guard to lead Chu Han to the western suburbs on a certain day of the year.

She couldn't see much clues about this letter, so she asked softly, "What's wrong with this?"

"Look at this letter again." Chu Yuanzhou took the other letter.

Yun Qian took it over and looked at it, only to see that it said to bring a white jade plate into the palace.

She didn't understand even more, when could something happen with a white jade plate?Judging by Chu Yuanzhou's appearance, he seemed to be very angry.

Seeing her eyes full of puzzlement, Chu Yuanzhou explained immediately: "Back then, Chu Han found a big doll in the western suburbs. That doll looked very similar to Ah Yi. At that time, the doll's There were also a few words engraved on his body, the emperor was appointed, and the emperor was very angry at that time, thinking that it was Ah Yi who did it. In that matter, the emperor had asked Ah Yi to return to the capital, but it was postponed because of this matter. "

"How can such a shrewd person as the emperor get angry because of a statue? Besides, as long as you think about it for a while, you can see that there is something wrong with that statue. And what about this plate?" Yun Qian asked again.

Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said: "That year when Ah Yi returned to Beijing, the gift he gave the emperor was a pair of white jade plates. The emperor liked the pair of jade plates at first, but found a pattern under the jade plate, the seal and the statue. The pattern found on the upper body is exactly the same."

Yun Qian sighed softly when she heard the words, and felt that these elders played these tricks very skillfully, without leaving any traces, and used the echoes of events to prove the authenticity of the events.

She said softly, "Even so, it doesn't prove that Prince Jing has ulterior motives."

"The person who sits in the highest position has the most sensitive mind. In the eyes of the emperor, he cannot allow anyone to compete with him for that position, even if that person is his son. What they want is not the emperor. To kill Ah Yi, all you need is for the emperor to have suspicions in his heart, and it’s fine if he doesn’t like Ah Yi.” Chu Yuanzhou said softly: “And these things happened many years ago, so not all of the above-mentioned things were done by Chu Shu. handwriting, there should be other people."

(End of this chapter)

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