Chapter 1510
Yunqian's eyes moved slightly, and he took out several letters for comparison. Sure enough, the handwriting was somewhat different. Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "Chu Shu was still young at the time, so he didn't do these things."

Yun Qian said softly, "If it wasn't him, who would it be?"

"Nine times out of ten it's the queen, don't forget, that guard was originally from Chu Yuan." Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly and said, "And Chu Yuan may not have such ability, the queen is most likely to do it. "

"There is one thing that I find very strange." Yunqian looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "That guard belongs to Chu Yuan, so it's normal for him to keep Chu Shu's things, but why did he take the things of Chu Yuan and the Queen?" Leave the letter too?"

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes narrowed, he just thought of what Yun Qian was thinking about, and he sneered and said, "There are two possibilities."

Yun Qian looked at him, and he said slowly: "One possibility is that his real master is not Chu Yuan and others, but someone else."

"If that's the case, then who is that person behind the scenes?" Yun Qian's eyes were full of thought and said: "These people are already powerful people in the world, who can be the real master of this guard?"

Chu Yuanzhou shook his head slightly and said: "I can't think of it for a while, there are so many princes in the capital, and so many princes, it doesn't mean whoever is more powerful is his master, it depends on him Who are you loyal to?"

Yun Qian nodded lightly and said: "If your assumption is true, then he should have given these letters to his master, but many of these letters are old, but the letters have not been sent out. This is not very strange. ?"

"So there is a second possibility." Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "That is, although he was bought by them to do things for them, it is very likely that he was forced to do things for them, and he was not willing. That's why he has been doing things for so many years He kept those letters, but he just wanted to wait for the day when he wanted to get rid of them and hand them over to their opponents."

Yun Qian felt that what he said was very likely, but there were still a lot of doubts in the middle, but Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly: "Okay, don't guess any more, these things are hard to guess no matter how we guess The real motive of that guard, after all, he is dead."

Yunqian smiled lightly, but sighed unconsciously, she looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "I don't know why, after reading these letters today, I always feel that there seems to be a bigger conspiracy behind it, but we still have to deal with it." I can't see through it."

As a top bodyguard in the 21st century, her intuition has always been extremely accurate.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Maybe, but you also said that we have no way to see through these things, so it's useless to think about it here at this time."

Yun Qian slightly flattened her mouth, and Chu Yuanzhou stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms and said, "Just be your concubine and my wife well, and leave the other things to me. If If you still worry about my affairs, then my job as a husband is very unqualified."

Yunqian chuckled, Chu Yuanzhou pressed a kiss on her forehead, and then said softly: "So my lady, I beg you to let me be a qualified husband! You can be a rice worm with peace of mind! Don't think about anything."

(End of this chapter)

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