Chapter 1516 Domineering side leak
Kubida gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be too angry, king. If Chu Yuanzhou dares to come again, Kubida will protect my king's Zhouquan even if he puts his life on the line!"

King Tuoyin sighed for a long time, there was a look of helplessness in his eyes, but he was a little relieved in his heart after all, he said in a low voice: "I really did not misunderstand you when I promoted you to the head of the guard."

Tuo Yin Wang Lang said: "Chu Yuanzhou, Chu Yuanzhou! You are really deceiving people too much, as long as you live alone..."

Before he could say anything behind him, the door was pushed open, and a hearty voice came: "King Tuoyin didn't see me all night, are you thinking of me?"

When King Tuoyin heard Chu Yuanzhou's voice, he immediately swallowed back the sentence "Gu will find a way to cut your corpse into pieces", he coughed lightly and said, "Why did your son come so early?"

"Is it early?" Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile, "It doesn't seem too early! Look, King Tuoyin, the sun is already drying his ass!"

King Toin looked at the sky outside, and the sun was indeed shining brightly on the earth, casting bright shadows under the eaves.

King Tuoyin coughed lightly and said, "I was drunk last night, and when I woke up, I didn't expect it to be this hour."

Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "The drink with King Tuoyin last night was really enjoyable. I haven't had such a good drink for a long time. I finally understand what is called wine. , you are my bosom friend!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he patted King Tuoyin. King Tuoyin had been so sensual all these years, his body had already been hollowed out. On the ground, but can't attack again.

King Tuoyin had an unforced smile on his face, which was actually uglier than crying.

But Chu Wuzhou said again: "It's rare to meet a confidant who drinks like this, so King Tuo Yin, I decided to come to drink with you again tonight. I don't know what King Tuo Yin wants?"

King Tuoyin reflexively wanted to refuse, but Chu Yuanzhou jumped in front of him and said: "I heard that King Tuoyin is really not drunk for a thousand cups. I guess he was drunk last night because he was in a bad state and didn't adapt to that kind of drink." Wine, tonight I will drink a different kind of wine with King Tuo Yin! The emperor asked me to drink with King Tuo Yin, it is the happiest thing in the world, King Tuo Yin, what do you think?"

Chu Yuanzhou looked straight into King Tuoyin's eyes, and there was a hint of helplessness in King Tuoyin's eyes, and he wanted to slap Chu Yuanzhou to death, but he also knew that Chu Yuanzhou said such words He couldn't refute Chu Yuanzhou's face too much, so he could only smile lightly at the moment, so as not to force himself to agree.

As soon as Chu Yuanzhou saw that King Tuo Yin had answered, the smile on his face became stronger and he said: "King Tuo Yin is indeed a cheerful person, I like it!"

King Tuo Yin had no choice but to force a smile, but Chu Yuanzhou said again: "By the way, King Tuo Yin mentioned my name just now, what are you talking about?"

King Tuoyin's heart was pounding, and he had no choice but to say against his will: "Gu Zai Kua Shizi is a young talent. He is already the chief minister of a country at a young age. It's really amazing!"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "King Tuoyin praised me a lot. I can be the chief assistant. In fact, it is my emperor's value. There are more talented people than me in the whole Great Zhou Dynasty. It's just that the emperor can't stand up to my father." The emperor's persuasion, just find me an errand in the court, if you want to say how capable you are, I really dare not take it."

(End of this chapter)

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