Chapter 1517 Rare coincidence
King Tuoyin unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Chu Yuanzhou said, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is too modest."

"King Tuoyin is my confidant, but you don't need to praise me. I know what I am capable of. If I had been braver back then and crossed the dry water, I am afraid that Tuoyin's territory would have been merged into it." It's a big week." Chu Yuanzhou heaved a long sigh when he said Yuan's words.

King Tuo Yin's expression changed when he heard Chu Yuanzhou's words, and Chu Yuanzhou immediately said, feeling a little embarrassed: "It's been a quick talk for a while, and the matter has passed for many years, so King Tuo Yin doesn't have to take it to heart."

King Tuoyin hated him very much, but he didn't dare to scold. Instead, he smiled lightly and said, "The bravery of the prince is famous all over the world. Back then, I wrote the letter of surrender in the hands of the prince alone. Lamenting the bravery of the son, Gu also often teaches the sons of the son about the matter of the son, I only hope that there will be one of them with the talent of the son."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Prince Tuoyin is good at teaching his sons, I think all the princes are better than me."

King Tuoyin felt a little annoyed when he thought of those sons who failed to become talents. He only felt that if this continued, Tuoyin would really enter the territory of Dazhou one day. Shameless to face the ancestors of the motherland.

King Tuoyin sighed lightly, but did not speak at the moment.

Chu Yuanzhou said again: "It's rare that King Tuoyin and I are so close, I took King Tuoyin today to see something good."

As soon as King Tuoyin heard what he said, his whole body became alert, and he immediately said: "Gu is a little dizzy today, I'm afraid I can't go out with the prince, please forgive me."

"King Tuo Yin has always been brave. He didn't drink three hundred bowls last night, so how could he be really drunk? King Tuo Yin said he would not accompany me, but he looked down on me?" Chu Yuanzhou slanted his eyes back.

Hearing what he said, King Tuoyin couldn't refuse immediately, but he was crying secretly in his heart, he said softly: "How dare, how dare, the prince really has to go when he says this."

Chu Yuanzhou took King Tuoyin out with a smile, and he took King Tuoyin directly to the painting boat by the South Lake, which was surrounded by beauties. King Tuoyin was in the south, where the temperature was relatively high, and women often came The horses are herded outdoors, so the women there are all in good shape, but their skin is darker, and they can't compare to the women in the Dazhou Painting Boat, who are so creamy and charming.

King Tuoyin was originally a lustful person, so he couldn't control himself when he saw this kind of scene. Although he felt dizzy after being drunk at this time, he couldn't refuse when those beauties poured the wine over.

He was still a little drunk at first, but now that he drank like this, he suddenly became a little dizzy, and he drank too much in a daze.

Kubida looked anxiously at the side, and wanted to say a few words of persuasion, but was killed by Chu Yuanzhou's eye knife. He couldn't help but wanted to do something, but he didn't expect that Chu Yuanzhou just swept him with his feet. With one click, his ass was smashed.

Seeing this, Kubida had no choice but to watch King Tuoyin drink too much again.

When King Tuoyin woke up again, he was helped back to the post station. He propped his head on one hand, and decided to take a good rest. It was only when he asked someone to prepare something for washing, that Chu Yuanzhou came again. Now he It was because of the headache when he saw Chu Yuanzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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