Chapter 1518
At this time, Chu Yuanzhou didn't give King Tuo Yin a chance to have a headache, he ordered someone to lift up the wine, without much nonsense, and asked someone to pour the wine for King Tuo Yin after taking a big bowl.

At this time, King Tuoyin felt a little nauseous when he smelled the smell of wine. He looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "My lord, Gu Zhen has drunk too much, so why don't you stop drinking tonight?"

Chu Yuanzhou pushed the wine glass in front of King Tuo Yin and said, "King Tuo Yin, why should you be humble? Your drinking capacity is famous all over the world. How can you be a person who will really get drunk after drinking a few glasses of wine, unless you look down on me? , don’t want to drink with me all the time.”

King Tuoyin was most afraid of hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words now, and he couldn't refuse immediately, and he couldn't find anyone to drink for him, so he could only bite the bullet and drink by himself.

This time, after only a few cups, King Toin began to vomit during the banquet.

When Chu Yuanzhou saw him vomit, he praised: "This is how you drink wine. Drink some and vomit more. It's the most interesting, King Tuoyin. By this time, I believe you have already drunk a little wine, but it is not enough. We Keep drinking."

As soon as he finished speaking, the attendants below immediately filled up the wine.

When Kubida saw this scene, he was secretly anxious, and wanted to smash the wine jar, but before he could pass, he was kicked away by Chu Yuanzhou, and fell heavily into the rose bushes under the porch, stabbed A thorn in the face.

King Tuoyin drank so much nonsense this time that he didn't even know who he was.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled when he saw King Tuo Yin's appearance, and then snapped his fingers. Immediately, someone sent two beauties in. As soon as the beauties came in, they helped King Kuo Yin to the bed.

When Chu Yuanzhou saw the bed curtain swinging around, and when six legs were exposed from the bed curtain, there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

After a few days like this, King Tuoyin spent his life in a drunken dream. Basically, as soon as he woke up, someone poured him wine, and then there were beauties by his side.

At first he refused, knowing that this was in Dazhou, but after a few days, he no longer even knew who he was.

After a few more days like this, Kubida was secretly worried when he saw such a scene. King Tuoyin didn't even have time to drink sober soup.

Kubida was anxious. This time, after King Tuoyin woke up, he walked over eagerly and said, "My lord, I looked at Dazhou to get you drunk. Before the king left Tuoyin, all the princes took the throne If something happens to the king in Dazhou, I'm afraid that Tuoyin will really become Dazhou's."

After hearing Kubida's words, King Tuoyin's groggy head seemed to wake up a little bit, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He said anxiously: "But Chu Yuanzhou comes every day, Gu really has no way to refuse him, how can this be?" Is good?"

Kubida whispered: "I have a suggestion, Wang just pretends to be asleep for the past few days, and when we see the opportunity, we will run back to Tuoyin directly."

After much deliberation, he felt that this was the only way. Now that Da Zhou's attitude was not clear, he had to save his life first, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

King Tuoyin thought about it carefully and felt that what Kubida said made sense, so he slept on the bed until it was dark and didn't get up.

Chu Yuanzhou has always been a person who does not play cards according to common sense. He directly lifted King Tuoyin from the bed to drink, but King Tuoyin refused to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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