Chapter 1519
When Kubida saw that this situation was wrong, he became even more anxious, but there was nothing he could do. As soon as King Tuoyin woke up the next day, Kubida said: "My lord, I think Da Zhou has a conspiracy. What I did was to get you drunk to death in Da Zhou."

King Tuoyin was also a little anxious, thinking that if he had known this, he would have let the prince come here, but now that there is no medicine for regret, there is nothing he can do about it even if he regrets it.

His brain at this time is far less bright than it was a few days ago, and he can't remember many things. He said anxiously: "Now, do you have a way to get Gu to leave Dazhou and return to Tuoyin?"

Kubida said: "Although I don't understand the important affairs of the country, Tuo Yin and Da Zhou have lived in peace all these years. At this time, Da Zhou suddenly broke out. This incident is really weird. Wang, have you done anything recently to make Da Zhou feel uncomfortable? Zhou is not happy, so they will treat you like this?"

Wang Tuoyin suddenly remembered the matter of selling horses to Chu Han last time, but although this matter made him a little speculative, he also knew that those horses would only appear to have limited leg strength after long-distance running, and Da Zhou shouldn't have an attack like this.

It's just that this matter made him feel a little guilty after all, so he said softly: "Maybe Da Zhou moved Tuo Yin's idea again!"

In King Tuoyin's view, the contemporary emperor of Dazhou is a warlike one, and Dazhou has always been short of good horses. Over the years, Dazhou has never given up wanting to annex Tuoyin.

King Tuoyin was anxious, and immediately said: "You find a way to contact the fourth prince tomorrow, and then tell him that if he is isolated, he will not get any benefits."

When Kubida heard the words, he responded lightly. When he was going to go out in the afternoon, he was stopped by the guards. He was told that the prince had guarded the entire station in order to ensure the safety of King Tuoyin, so that King Tuoyin could rest assured. He will not be allowed to have anything on the land of Da Zhou.

Although Kubida was a military commander, when he heard this, he knew that they had put King Tuoyin under house arrest. He was very angry, and felt that Da Zhou had gone too far. I thought to myself, now that they are surrounded so tightly, how can they escape from Da Zhou?

When he was about to go back in frustration, Chu Yuanzhou suddenly appeared and said: "What did I tell you usually, I told you to guard this place so that no strangers would come in and disturb King Tuoyin's rest, so it's natural for his guards to go out." Let them out."

When he said this, the guards hurriedly apologized to Kubida. Kubida glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, and then strode out.

Chu Yi stood firmly behind Chu Yuanzhou and said, "There is finally progress, where do you think he will go?"

"Kubida is just a fairly knowledgeable and courageous guard." Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "I think he must have some kind of intention when he came out today. If I were to guess, I think he is very Maybe go to the person they think is the most reliable in Beijing."

Chu Yi nodded slightly and said: "Although you just let him out without a trace, but what happened in the past few days must have made them frightened, and they must be more careful in their actions."

"Follow him to be careful." Chu Yuanzhou said very calmly: "As long as he comes out and my people follow him, it is impossible for him to escape. I wonder what he will do."

(End of this chapter)

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