Chapter 1531 The Kidnapping Incident
After the two left, the two came closer and inspected the horse that had no strength and fell to the ground. Their eyes were full of surprise.

One of them said: "I'm afraid there is something wrong with the horse, let's go and tell the Fourth Prince."

The other person nodded slightly, and the two rushed out very quickly.

After Princess Qionghua and Bai Luo entered the city, Princess Qionghua jumped off the horse, hired a carriage and left in a hurry. This time, she didn't even speak harsh words to Bai Luo.

Bai Luo felt that Princess Qionghua's behavior was really a little strange, so he followed in a hurry, but saw Princess Qionghua running directly towards an inn.

After she walked into that inn, Bai Luo followed her in, but was stopped by the shopkeeper and said: "Guest officer, there are no guest rooms. If you want to stay in the inn, please come early tomorrow."

Bai Luo took a look at the innkeeper. He has become a good man after doing business for many years. Just by looking at the expression on the innkeeper, he knew he was lying. Princess Qionghua would not enter this inn for no reason. In this situation, I am afraid that Princess Qionghua took over the inn, but did not let the shopkeeper tell it.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Luo knew it would be useless to talk, so he backed out immediately, and then walked around to the back door of the inn. He wanted to enter through the back door, but he didn't want the back door to be locked tightly.

He thought about it, and saw a tree on one side. He wanted to climb the tree and climb over the wall. He didn't want to return the skill of climbing trees to his teacher many years ago. He just tried it and knew that with his current skills It is impossible to climb.

He said to himself: "It's not that I can't climb the tree, but the movement of climbing the tree is too loud, so it's easy to be discovered."

After Bai Luo found an excuse for himself, he saw a ladder in the yard on the side, and he stole the ladder secretly, then climbed the wall and walked in.

After he went in, he was afraid that he would not be able to get out, so he took the ladder in without doing anything.

The backyard of the inn was very quiet, and no one could be seen inside.

Bai Luo walked through the short alley very carefully, and then slowly walked up to the second floor.

Today, after Princess Qionghua booked this place, she explicitly forbade anyone from coming in to disturb her, so there was no one here, and Bai Luo was given a chance.

After Bai Luo went up to the second floor lightly, he heard Princess Qionghua's voice: "Say, where is he?"

There was a bit of eagerness in her voice, and Bai Luo's eyes darkened a bit. For a while, she didn't know who Princess Qionghua was talking to. Who exactly is he referring to.

It's just that based on what Bai Luo knew about Princess Qionghua during these days, she knew that there was only one person she cared about most in her life, and that was the dead son-in-law.

But the son-in-law is dead, so it is impossible for him to ask her, so who is she asking?Why did things have to be done so covertly?
For a moment, Bai Luo had more guesses in his mind, and then he walked slowly towards the room where the sound came from.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Luo heard a somewhat old voice saying: "Who the hell are you? How dare you kidnap me! Don't you know that I am King Tuoyin?"

"Of course I know it's you!" Princess Qionghua sneered and said, "So you still treat each other with courtesy, but if you don't tell me the truth again, don't blame me for being rude."

(End of this chapter)

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