Chapter 1532 Cui Cheng's Death
King Tuoyin frowned and said, "Who the hell are you? Pretending to be Wushuang, what are you doing here?"

When he left the racecourse and returned to the capital today, he received a letter. The letter was written in the tone of Nangong Wushuang. He also had many doubts about Da Zhou's affairs in his heart. In addition, the letter emphasized that Nangong Wushuang was restricted by others. Action, only this chance to see him, let him come no matter what.

King Tuoyin has never been kind to Nangong Wushuang. He sent Nangong Wushuang to Da Zhou to get married before, but because of the situation at that time, he threw out this daughter he didn't like.

Today, King Tuoyin found that this daughter is still useful, so he came to see her.

He was still angry with Nangong Wushuang, but after reading that letter, everything can be forgiven.

"The person who wrote to you today to invite you to come here is not Nangong Wushuang, but me." Princess Qionghua looked at King Tuoyin coldly and said.

King Tuoyin was stunned for a moment and then said: "If so, I will not accompany you alone."

After hearing these words outside, Bai Luo felt a little nervous, and Princess Qionghua was too courageous, daring to kidnap King Tuoyin!

Although Tuoyin's national strength is not as good as before, Tuoyin is a country after all, and King Tuoyin is the lord of a country.

If this incident becomes a big one, I'm afraid it will lead to war.

Although Bai Luo is not a patriotic person, he also doesn't like to fight. Most importantly, if this matter becomes a big issue, even if the emperor loves the youngest sister, he may not be able to tolerate her behavior like this.

His mind suddenly turned quickly, and he began to think about how to resolve this crisis for Princess Qionghua, how to make things smaller.

Of course, King Tuoyin couldn't get out. A few guards with knives stood at the door and stopped him there.

King Tuoyin said angrily: "Who are you, and what do you want to do to Gu?"

"Don't care who I am!" Princess Qionghua sternly said, "You just need to answer my question, where is Cui Cheng?"

King Tuoyin said angrily: "Gu just said that, Gu doesn't know Cui Cheng at all!"

"When Ling Ruan married Tuo Yin from Xiliang back then, did she bring a slender, bookish man with her?" Princess Qionghua sternly asked.

King Tuoyin couldn't understand what Princess Qionghua said at first, but now he understood a little bit. He looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "Who are you, and how do you know this?"

This matter is the greatest shame in his life, and he has never told anyone about it.

Princess Qionghua got this news not long ago, she didn't believe it at first, and most of the things she asked King Tuo Yin just now were to deceive him, but after hearing King Tuo Yin's words at this time, she completely confirmed her She suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Ling Ruan is the boudoir name of Nangong Wushuang's birth mother, that is, Mrs. Ruan.

When Ling Ruan was sent to Tuoyin by Xiliang, she was still a little proud, thinking that Cui Cheng would be hers from now on, but what happened after that completely exceeded her expectations.

Her beloved son-in-law, the son-in-law whom she had been thinking of so much, died just like that!
When she heard the news of his death that day, she couldn't believe it. After many years, when she thought of his death again, it still made her feel extremely sad.

(End of this chapter)

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