Chapter 1538
Chu Yi was slightly startled when he heard this, and hurriedly said in relief: "Has King Tuoyin been injured?"

"That's not true. There's a lunatic woman inside who has been asking Gu Cuicheng about it." King Tuoyin originally wanted to say that it was Jiang Zicheng's, but he felt that this matter was a bit embarrassing, so he used Princess Qionghua's words. that name.

When Chu Yi heard Cui Cheng's name, he was startled. In addition, King Tuoyin said that he met a lunatic, so he vaguely guessed that the person in the inn was probably Princess Qionghua.

He didn't want to expose Princess Qionghua's identity, so he said calmly and authentically: "King Tuoyin is tired and frightened even if he wants to come today, so I will handle the matters in the inn by this king. King Tuoyin will go back to the inn first. Rest is, after this matter is settled, this king will send someone to tell King Tuoyin."

King Tuoyin was hungover last night and was already feeling uncomfortable, so he didn't think about it too much. On the contrary, he felt that Chu Yi was considerate, so he nodded his head lightly.

Chu Yi pulled out a team of Jingji guards and sent King Tuoyin back to the inn, but he himself went to the inn pointed by King Tuoyin. When he came, the shopkeeper dared not stop him, so he entered the backyard smoothly. As soon as he entered, he heard Princess Qionghua's cry.

Chu Yi sighed softly, and then went up to the second floor to Princess Qionghua's room. The guard saw that it was him and stepped aside.

When he came, Princess Qionghua was already weeping a little, he called softly: "Auntie."

When Princess Qionghua saw it, he cried even harder. He couldn't see a woman cry, and he didn't know what to do, and he didn't know how to persuade her.

It was Princess Qionghua who stopped crying, looked at Chu Yi and said, "Ayi, he didn't die, he followed Ling Ruan to Tuo Yin, and kept it from me for 16 years! From 15 years old to 31 years old!"

Chu Yi saw her face that had changed color from crying and didn't know how to comfort her for a while, so she just said softly: "It's all over."

"Yeah, everything is over!" Princess Qionghua sobbed and said, "But you know what? I have a portrait of him, how much does he have to hate me to torture me in this way?"

Chu Yi knows Princess Qionghua's feelings for Cui Cheng, and he doesn't know how to answer the words at the moment. It's not that he doesn't know how painful she has been through these years, and it's not that he doesn't know how fragile her mind is. In the final analysis, his beauty and strength are just appearances.

He sighed lightly and said, "I guess my uncle never loved my aunt!"

"Yeah!" Princess Qionghua smiled while crying: "I have always loved him, and he has never had me in his heart. My methods when I was young were really too much to let him do that. Go hate me!"

Chu Yi sighed softly. He didn't dare to say that he understood love, but he knew the pain of unrequited love. His eyes suddenly became darker.

Princess Qionghua took a deep breath and said, "You know what? When I was with him, he didn't even want to give me a child, but he gave birth to Nangong Wushuang with Ling Ruan!"

Her heart was full of helplessness, and she felt extremely depressed.

Chu Yi's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said in surprise, "Auntie, what are you talking about? Wushuang is uncle's daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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