Chapter 1539 Blood Relationship

"Yes." Princess Qionghua smiled wryly, "He really did everything he could to kill me all my life, and even sent that daughter who looks exactly like Ling Ruan to Da Zhou, and it's fine to send him to Da Zhou. And let you marry her!"

Chu Yi had mixed feelings in his heart for a while. Princess Qionghua has taken care of him very much these years. Although she is his aunt in terms of seniority, she is the closest person to him.
Although Nangong Wushuang had no blood relationship with him, he was the person Princess Qionghua was most unwilling to face.

He sighed softly. By now, he already knew the real reason why Princess Qionghua secretly met King Tuoyin.

Chu Yi felt that Nangong Wushuang was the biggest victim in this matter. Although Ling Ruan married King Tuoyin as a princess of Xiliang, King Tuoyin treated her badly. Nangong Wushuang It wasn't from King Tuoyin, that's why he was thrown into the wolf pack since he was a child.

He thought of Nangong Wushuang's extremely helpless appearance on the night before the two got married, for some reason, he felt a little sad.

He finally said softly: "Auntie, Wushuang has nothing to do with this matter."

"I know." Princess Qionghua caressed her chest and said, "It's just that I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Every time I see her, I think of Ling Ruan, and I just...I wish I could kill her! "

Chu Yi stood aside and did not speak. He knew that the more he persuaded Princess Qionghua at this time, the more Princess Qionghua would hate Nangong Wushuang, so he just stood there quietly.

Princess Qionghua wept softly again: "But she is not Ling Ruan after all. I owe Ling Ruan all my life. It's just that I can't pass my hurdle. What is the pride all over me? It just hurts me. Falling into the demonic barrier of eighteen levels of hell!"

Chu Yi sighed softly, but Princess Qionghua stood up and said, "Ayi, I want to meet Nangong Wushuang now!"

Chu Yi was shocked when he heard the words, but he also knew that this kind of behavior was very suitable for Princess Qionghua's temperament, but her appearance was really not suitable for seeing Nangong Wushuang. Get involved.

So he said softly: "Auntie, don't go to see Wushuang again, there is no need to poke a hole in Wushuang's body after sprinkling a handful of salt on your own wound."

Princess Qionghua shook her body lightly when she heard the words: "You are right, but I..."

As soon as she said this, she couldn't hold on any longer and fainted.

Chu Yi supported her, sighed softly, then carried her out of the inn and sent her back to Cailian Hospital.

He felt that it was best not to return to the Princess Mansion for such a Princess Qionghua.

It's just that he was a little worried after all, knowing that Yun Qian might be the only one who could persuade Princess Qionghua in Beijing, so he turned around and went to Chu Palace, but when he arrived at the gate of Chu Palace, he thought of him and Yun Qian again. There was a bit of embarrassment at first, but I also felt that it was not good to see her like this after all, for fear that Chu Yuanzhou would be unhappy.

When he was about to come out, he saw Bai Luo and Yun Qian coming out from the inside. He froze for a moment, nodded his head lightly and asked, "Where is Princess Shizi going?"

Yun Qian was also quite surprised to see Chu Yi, but said: "Something happened to my sister, I'll go over and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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