Chapter 1548
Chu Yuanzhou's eyes darkened when he heard King Tuo Yin's words, but he smiled and said: "My Dazhou has a vast resource source and a large number of talents. Chu Yuanzhou is just one of them who is not outstanding. If Tuo Yin dares to plot against me again Da Zhou, it’s not just the [-] times the compensation.”

King Tuoyin heard Chu Yuanzhou's blunt words, he sighed and said: "You shouldn't listen to the nonsense of those people with ulterior motives, this time you should learn a lesson."

Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised his eyebrows, but King Tuoyin asked again, "Which prince do you like?"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "All the princes of my court are outstanding."

"Gu doesn't think so." King Tuoyin took a look at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "In Gu's opinion, among the princes, none of them can match up with the prince."

Chu Yuanzhou's complexion sank, but King Tuoyin smiled again and said, "Gu has been the king for so many years, so he is quite accurate in judging people. The emperor may be a fan of the authorities, or the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh. He doesn't know." How to choose. All the princes of the Great Zhou are excellent, but in Gu’s opinion, only King Ming and Prince Jing can take on great positions, so I hope that the next monarch of the Great Zhou will not be any one of them.”

Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly, and King Tuoyin said again: "But if you look at the long-term stability of the entire Great Zhou from the perspective of the Emperor of the Great Zhou, the only one who can succeed the throne is the son of the prince. Unfortunately, the son of the prince is only the son of the prince. Not the emperor's own son."

After saying this, he bowed his hands to Chu Yuanzhou, then got into the carriage and drove away.

There was a bit of disdain in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, King Tuoyin, an old man, actually wanted to plot against him before he left!What King Toin didn't know was that he had never had much interest in the throne.

Chu Yi was standing not far from Chu Yuanzhou, and he asked, "What did King Tuoyin say to you?"

"This old man, before he leaves, he still wants to plot against me again." Chu Yuanzhou said disapprovingly, "It's just that I don't have the military power in my hands, otherwise I would send troops south and destroy Tuo Yin directly."

Chu Yi smiled lightly when he heard the words, but didn't speak again.

Nangong Wushuang stood on the high hill and watched King Tuo Yin leave with the cavalry. Her mood was a little complicated. She had never seen King Tuo Yin once in the capital for such a long time.

And after this incident, she knew she would never go back.

It's not that she doesn't want to see King Tuoyin, but even if she does, she will definitely not have the warmth that belongs to a father and daughter. She grew up in the grassland since she was a child, and at this time she only feels that compared with a wolf, many times, Man is much more ferocious than wolf.

When she stayed in Tuoyin, King Tuoyin never gave her any good looks, and even tried to harm her a few times earlier, but Mrs. Ruan and Eunuch Jiang cleverly resolved it for her.

She came to Da Zhou to get married. In the final analysis, it was King Tuoyin who drove her out of Tuoyin to let her fulfill the obligations and responsibilities that the so-called royal children should fulfill.

But this time, King Tuo Yin suffered a great loss in the hands of Chu Yuanzhou. She never intervened a bit. It was not because she ignored the relationship between father and daughter, but in her opinion, she and King Tuo Yin had never had a relationship between father and daughter. .

The mountain wind blew her long hair, she was still the same as before, but her hair had already been tied up, and she was dressed in Dazhou clothes. She even felt that her life in Dazhou was a little happier than in Tuoyin.

Although Chu Yi treats her coldly, at least he won't harm her, that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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