Chapter 1549 Three years later
Nangong Wushuang originally wanted to meet King Tuo Yin, but before she was about to go out, Chu Yi only asked, "Did he really regard you as his own daughter?"

Because of that sentence, she completely dismissed that idea.

Nangong Wushuang felt that Chu Yi's question was right. In King Tuoyin's heart, he never regarded her as his own daughter. If so, why should we see her again?

Her long skirt was blown up by the wind, and she looked at patches of dark green verdure in the distance. The rolling hills resembled the green grass on the grassland, with the grass stretching to the sky and the green trees stretching.

From now on, she and Tuo Yin really became strangers.

From now on, she really has no home.

Nangong Wushuang sighed softly, and when she turned around, she saw Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou standing behind her. She was slightly taken aback, and Chu Yuanzhou touched his nose and said, "Talk slowly, I have something to do first. gone back."

Chu Yuanzhou left after finishing speaking. Chu Yi was wearing a black armor at this time, and he looked a little colder than before, but the expression on his face was very calm.

He said slowly: "Go home!"

After he finished speaking, he slowly stretched out his hand.

Nangong Wushuang's eyes turned red when he heard the word "home", and then he bit his lips lightly. Chu Yi sighed lightly, stretched his hand a little closer to her, and she looked at his hand.

Chu Yi's hands are not only pampered and meticulous, but also have the thickness of years of martial arts practice. Several calluses can be faintly seen on them.

Nangong Wushuang hesitated, but finally stretched out his hand slowly. Seeing her appearance, Chu Yi curved his mouth slightly upwards, and then pulled her hand over.

He pulled it a little hard, and she almost fell into his arms, but he reached out to support her in time. She raised her eyes slightly, and when those sapphire eyes looked at him, she saw the faint smile on his face. With a smile, she unconsciously blinked her eyes lightly.

Chu Yi turned his head, took her hand and walked forward.

Chu Yi stopped talking, and Nangong Wushuang didn't ask again. She suddenly felt that being held by Chu Yi like this made her feel very warm and at ease.

The horse was tied at the foot of the mountain, and Chu Yi hugged her onto the horse's back, and then rode the horse back to Prince Jing's mansion.

Many years later, when Nangong Wushuang recalled the scene of that day again, she felt that it was the happiest part of her life. Such a Chu Yi, with a cold face and a warm heart, is actually very cute.

It's just that at this time, she still has some slight wounds in her heart, and there is a distance between her and him that is neither far nor close.

During that period of years like green onions, the green onions were as white as snow, and the green ones were as emerald green, so tender that it seemed that water could be squeezed out.

Time flies, and it is three years in a flash.

In the capital, there was constant fighting, and the emperor's health was getting worse day by day. He was lingering in bed all day, and his body was getting heavier. At first, he only had a cough, and he was still able to handle court affairs, but then he became more and more ill.

The imperial doctor told the emperor to have a good rest and rest, not to work too hard, and to leave the political affairs to the princes.

After hearing the imperial doctor's instructions, the emperor knew that sooner or later he would go west with a crane, and he felt a little sad. He watched the strife among the princes and secretly worried.

In the past three years, the emperor tried many methods to calm the conflicts among the princes, but things did not go as expected. The more he mediated, the more intense the conflicts became. There is a tendency that fire and water are incompatible.

(End of this chapter)

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