Chapter 1550
Seeing that his son's fratricide had almost become an established fact, the emperor was very distressed, but he had no choice but to feel that he could make it a day, and he did not delegate the political affairs of the court to the prince. hand.

Until the beginning of spring this year, the emperor coughed violently in the early court. This time it was much worse than before, and blood coughed out of his mouth.

When the emperor saw the spit out blood, he knew that his deadline was not far away, he felt a little sad, he couldn't help but fainted on the dragon chair.

The emperor's fainting shocked all the civil and military officials in the court, and there was chaos in the court at that time.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were deep, but he was much calmer than other ministers. He calmly asked the eunuch to invite a doctor, and then carried the emperor back to the palace himself.

The emperor's illness made the princes feel a little more worried, and the competition among them became more intense.

That night, almost all the married princes came to the emperor's bedside to wait on him.

Chu Yuanzhou has never been a person who likes to join in the fun. After the imperial physician gave the emperor the injection and he asked the imperial physician about the emperor's condition, he left the palace.
When he returned to Prince Chu's mansion, Yunqian was planting flowers in the yard. When she saw him come back, she smiled at him.

When Chu Yuanzhou saw the warm smile on her face, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Today's Yunqian is already gone. She has both the youth of a girl and the charm of a girl. When she smiled at him like that, he only felt that the apricot blossoms blooming behind her had also lost their color.

He smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and hugged her, she exclaimed, but he had already put her on the stone bench beside him, he tied her hair behind her ears, with a somewhat doting way He said in a low voice, "Aren't you ashamed to play with mud like a child at this age?"

Yun Qian said speechlessly: "What are you playing with mud? I'm clearly planting flowers, okay?"

Of course Chu Yuanzhou knew that she was planting flowers, but he said in an extremely disdainful tone: "I have told you many times, let Huanyu and the others do the planting of flowers, and you can just sit back and relax." Alright, after going through so much trouble, when will I be able to conceive a child."

Yun Qian was a little speechless when she heard the words, planting flowers and having children are two different things, okay?These two things will not interfere with each other at all, okay?
She already has this body this year. In the 21st century, such a body can only be regarded as just growing up, and she has not yet reached the optimal age for childbearing.

But in the Great Zhou Dynasty, many women were already mothers of several children.

She doesn't want to follow the trend, but she also feels a lot of pressure.

Concubine Chu, who had always been very calm about giving birth to children earlier, has become a little anxious recently, and has made side-splitting several times.

Although she felt that it was still too early for her to have a baby, she also felt that she could have one. At least having a baby at such an age would do far less harm to her body than when she was fourteen or fifteen years old.

So after the Chinese New Year this year, she took the initiative to tell Chu Yuanzhou that she planned to get pregnant this year.

She has never been a mother, and when she has this idea in her heart, she feels very happy.

Chu Yuanzhou was originally indifferent to creatures like children, but she said she was willing to have children, so he was naturally willing to upgrade to become a father.

(End of this chapter)

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