Chapter 1551 Planting Flowers
Ever since, with this goal, Chu Yuanzhou especially likes to toss Yunqian recently. He has been working hard almost every night for several months, but Yunqian's stomach has always been flat, and she is not pregnant at all. sign.

He looked at Yunqian's stomach and was also a little anxious. For a while, he didn't understand why some people became fathers so easily, but he worked so hard, but there was still no movement. Sure enough, the difference between people is completely different at this time. manifested.

Chu Yuanzhou felt that there would be absolutely no problem with his body. Yunqian's body had always been a little weak. In recent years, Yunqian had been working hard to recuperate, and her body was much better than previous years, but she was originally a Doctor, she knows many times more about people's physical condition than he doesn't know.She said that there was nothing wrong with her body, and Chu Yuanzhou naturally believed that there would be no problem.

Even so, he felt he still had an urgent right.

Yun Qian coughed lightly and said, "You think too much."

The corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth raised slightly, but Yunqian asked again: "Why did you come down so early today?"

"The emperor fell ill on the dragon couch." Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "I left after the imperial physician checked the pulse, there are already so many princes and concubines guarding there, there is no need for me to guard there. "

Yunqian had also heard from Chu Yuanzhou earlier that the emperor was seriously ill, but she did not expect to be so ill. She glanced at him and said, "What is the emperor's plan for the prince?"

"He should have it in his heart." Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said: "But he didn't tell me, and I don't know."

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Since that's the case, let's not bother with these things. You just came back and planted flowers for me."

Chu Yuanzhou curled his lips and said, "My lady, I may be good at killing people or dealing with important affairs in the court, but if I let me do the flower planting, will I be too talented and useless?"

Yun Qian rolled his eyes at him, jumped down from the stone bench, stomped on him hard and said, "Maybe he's a bit overqualified, but what should we do? You are my husband-in-law, I can't call other people Will the man plant flowers for me?"

Chu Yuanzhou could easily dodge her jumping foot, but he didn't dodge it. She was originally a small figure, so even if she stepped on it so hard, it seemed to him that she was just tickling.

But after seeing the expression on her face, he immediately hugged his feet and said, "Oh! It hurts me to death, Qianqian, you are so heartless!"

Yunqian is someone who has seen him get a big cut with a knife and won't cry out in pain. At this moment, she looks so painful that she can't believe it no matter what.

Her eyes slanted slightly and said: "It deserves it!"

Chu Yuanzhou pursed his lips and said: "Unconscionable woman, you look like this, when I get old, you're afraid you'll have to hit me with a brick!"

Yun Qian didn't bother to pay attention to him, so she just took the flower seeds and planted them, and if he continued to talk about it, he might get into a lot of trouble, and he would never get back to the topic.

Chu Yuanzhou followed with a smile, and took the flower seeds from her hand.

Yun Qian slightly raised his eyebrows, but Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "How can my wife do this kind of rough work in person? Tell me, my lady, where do you plan to scatter these flower seeds?"

(End of this chapter)

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