Chapter 1579 A Clue

How could Yunzheng not be in a hurry, Mo Chou over there had already got the news, and hurriedly called all the servants in the mansion over to find the capital.

Although the Yun Mansion is very large, it is only a mansion after all. As soon as all the servants moved out, they quickly turned the Yun Mansion upside down, but none of them showed any signs of it.

Yunzheng was so anxious that she was about to cry, and Ye Wuchen was very anxious when she heard that they were all gone. Seeing that Yunzheng was pale, he supported her and said, "Don't worry, maybe they all ran to some corner to play." went."

At this time, the mansion has been searched for the second time, all the corners that should be found have been searched, even under the rockery and in the corner hole, but there is still no shadow of Dudu.

Yun Qian felt that this matter was really weird. They were both just two and a half years old, and they still didn't speak very clearly. Even if they could run, they definitely couldn't run too far. Now they have searched the whole Yun Mansion but still can't find it. Then there is only one possibility.

That might mean they were all carried away.

Normally no outsiders came to the Yun Mansion, although today was Mo Chou's birthday, but there was no arrangement, no outsiders came to the mansion at all.

And the place where Nana and Du both play is the inner courtyard of Yun Mansion, even if a stranger can break in, it is impossible to enter the inner courtyard.

In this case, there is only one possibility, and that is that everyone in Yunfu will hide.

If this is the case, who would that person from Tibet be?
A lot of speculations suddenly arose in Yunqian's heart. Although Yunzheng's temper was cold, she was very kind. In the past, she rarely had any grudges with others in the Yunfu, and all the maids and servants respected her quite a lot. If she hadn't It is impossible for those servants to take all of them away with the instruction of others.

As for the masters in the Yunfu, several adult ladies are already married, and the young ladies who have not left the cabinet usually don't even go out the door. If they take all of them away, they must still be in the boudoir.

However, after several consecutive searches just now, there was no trace.
They are already two-year-old children, and it is not so easy to hide. Basically, those young ladies who have not left the cabinet can be excluded.

The aunts in Yunfu also did not have such an opportunity.

When Yun Qian had such thoughts in her heart, she immediately asked the porter, "Can someone come in and out just now?"

The concierge thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, I've been guarding here just now, and no one came in or out."

Yun Qian frowned again when she heard the words, and she went to the place where all were missing. She felt that if they were all taken away by someone, there would be clues left behind.

When Yunqian arrived there, Ye Wuchen also arrived. After taking a closer look at the grass field, she felt a little disappointed, but saw Ye Wuchen squatting in front of a bead flower tree in a daze.

"Did you find anything?" Yun Qian asked.

Ye Wuchen's eyes were cold, and he pointed to the flower tree and said, "There is a footprint of an adult here."

Yun Qian hurriedly went over to take a look, and sure enough, she saw a footprint under the tree.It had just rained a few days ago, and other places were dry, but because there was a flowering tree blocking it, and the soil had just been dug up for fertilization under that tree, the soil there was a little looser, so footprints could be left.

Yun Qian looked at the flowering tree again. The flowers were not very tall, but they were very dense, covering most of the traces under the tree. If Ye Wuchen hadn't been careful, he might not have seen the footprints.

(End of this chapter)

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