Chapter 1580 Confirmed Missing
Yunqian here, the place here is too small, when everyone came here to look for someone, it was impossible to go down to the flower tree.

Yun Qian had a bold guess in her heart, that the footprints were probably left by the people who took Dudu away.

Yun Qian had this guess in her heart, and Ye Wuchen also had it in her heart.

Ye Wuchen gritted his teeth and said, "What a ruthless method, actually attacking a two-year-old child!"

Yun Qian saw that his face was full of coldness, and his eyes were full of the anxiety and worry of being a father.

She stood up slowly, the footprints could be seen to belong to a man, she looked around and saw that this place is the closest to the second young master Yunfei's residence, and Yunfei's Chrysanthemum House is on the other side of the grass.

She immediately went to Yunfei's chrysanthemum house, and Yunfei also heard that she hadn't seen him, so when he saw Yunqian coming, he hurriedly got up and saluted.

Yun Qian asked straight to the point: "Did my brother see someone coming over this afternoon?"

Yunfei is 15 years old this year, he hasn't fully grown yet, and his stature is already very tall. He shook his head and said, "I only saw Nai Nai bringing everyone here, and I didn't see anyone coming."

Yun Qian's eyes darkened when she heard the words. Just now when Yun Fei was talking, she kept looking into Yun Fei's eyes. Yun Fei's eyes were full of anxiety. Apart from anxiety, they were also full of worry.

Yunfei and Yunzheng are both born of Liu Ying, they are brothers and sisters, Yunzheng also loves Yunfei as a younger brother, Yunfei has always respected Yunzheng, Yunqian can't think that Yunfei has Any kidnapping is a motive.

She took another look at Yunfei's shoes, but saw that Yunfei's feet were obviously much smaller than the footprints left under the flower tree, and most of the attendants around Yunfei were women. They were smaller than Yunfei and much shorter in stature, so naturally they couldn't be them.

Yun Qian asked again: "If you think about it carefully, did you see other people coming?"

Yunfei still shook his head and said: "No, I took a nap in the room after lunch today, and I went back to the room after seeing Nana bring Dudu to play, I really don't know if anyone is coming from behind Know."

Yunqian knew that it was useless to ask any further, she sighed softly, and was about to leave, but Yunfei said again: "But when I was sleepy just now, I heard a cry, and then I leaned out from the window I looked, but saw nothing."

Yun Qian asked, "When did you hear the crying?"

Yun Fei thought for a while and said, "Not a moment after I heard the cry, I saw Shi Zifei and Second Sister coming."

If he said this, it was after Nana told them that they were all gone and before they arrived.

If what Yunfei said was true, then when that person took Dudu away, he must have stayed nearby and did not go far. When Nana went to find Dudu, that person would take the opportunity to leave.

Yun Qian immediately asked again: "Apart from these, are there other things?"

Yun Fei shook his head and said, "That's all I know."

Ye Wuchen had been listening to Yunqian asking about this matter, but he didn't interrupt, but his eyes were getting colder and colder, and there was strong anger hidden in his eyes.

Yun Qian sighed softly, but Yun Fei asked again: "Have you not found them yet?"

Yun Qian shook her head lightly. Although Yun Fei was not close to Yun Zheng on weekdays, she was a little anxious when she heard about it. Nainai ran over and said, "Young master, Shi Zifei, it's not good. Someone sent a letter." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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