Chapter 1593: Yesterday's Yellow Flower
Mo Chou looked at Yun Jingyan's back and snorted coldly, her eyes were as cold as ice.

After he left, Mo Chou finally said: "I used to think that even the things I did these years would make him a little dissatisfied, but no matter what, I have been a couple for so many years, and he has to show something. I don't want to be like this. When you persuaded me to leave Yunfu earlier, I still felt a little sorry for him, but now, how can I feel sorry for him?"

After Mo Chou finished speaking, she smiled self-deprecatingly.

Yun Qian said softly: "He has such a ruthless temperament, he has the temperament of success, and the temperament of defeat, mother just wait and see his fate in the palace!"

Mo Chou lightly shook her head and said: "You used to say that if something happened to him, he would definitely leave me behind. I still didn't believe it, but today I believed it completely. It's useless for me to live for dozens of years. It’s not so clear yet.”

Yun Qian sighed softly, not because of how accurate she was in judging people, but because she was a human being in two lifetimes, and she had no relationship with Yun Jingyan, let alone treating Yun Jingyan as someone in her heart one day. His own father, so he didn't look at Yun Jingyan with emotion, so it was easier to know what kind of person he was.

Mo Chou glanced around the room and said, "Three years ago, I expected that such a day would come sooner or later, but when this day really came, I felt it was too soon. In fact, I have always kept a hope in my heart, hoping that this thing will not happen."

Yun Qian gently took Mo Chou's hand and said, "Mother, don't think about it too much, this is the best ending for this matter."

Mo Chou nodded with a chuckle, and pulled Yun Qian's hand a little tighter.

There was one thing that the mother and daughter didn't say clearly, but both of them were very clear in their hearts.

That was the reason why Yun Jingyan wanted to get Mo Chou off in such a hurry. Apart from Yun Jingyan's dissatisfaction with Mo Chou's performance in the past few years, there was another main reason.

That is color.

Although Mo Chou was a rare beauty when she was young, but now that she is nearly forty, she can be regarded as old. No matter how well she takes care of herself, she still cannot have the beauty and smooth skin of a teenage girl.

As early as three years ago, when Yun Qian was thinking about leaving Yunfu for Mo Chou, she made some preparations.

About two years ago, she designed someone to give Yun Jingyan two young girls. The two girls were bought by Yun Qian from a brothel. like very much.

One of them was betrayed by Mo Chou because he provoked Mo Chou.

The other one has been in the Yun Mansion, and has won Yun Jingyan's favor for the past two years.

It can be said that Yun Jingyan loved that woman from the bottom of his heart, and that woman was originally sent in by Yun Qian. Although she didn't understand why Yun Qian did this, she got Yun Qian's instruction after all, and she was often in Yun Qian's house. In front of Jingyan, he said Mochou's right and wrong.

At first, Yun Jingyan didn't mind listening to it, but as time passed, he listened to it a lot, and he hated Mo Chou more and more. Comparing Mo Chou with that woman, he immediately felt that Mo Chou's face was old. Go, can't see more.

Comparing the stunning beauty of the past with the stunning beauty of today, it is more like a yellow flower of yesterday, which makes him dislike it from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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