Chapter 1594 Faceless and Skinless
After this series of events laid the groundwork, Yun Jingyan began to dislike Mo Chou more and more, and the woman came to Yun Jingyan from time to time, crying and complaining about how unworthy Mo Chou was. How to deprive her of her things, how to punish the slaves, and how unfilial.

After listing all these things together, Yun Jingyan inexplicably hated Mochou.

After the woman got Yun Jingyan's favor, she began to want to get the power of middle class from Yun Jingyan's hands. Yun Jingyan also felt sad because of some things, so she asked her to hand over the right of middle class.

Unexpectedly, those few times were resolved by Mo Chou ingeniously, and she firmly held the power in her hand.

Also because of these things, Yun Jingyan hated Mo Chou even more. He only felt that she was not as gentle and kind as before, and that she was a woman with a deep heart. He definitely didn't want to stay with such a woman.

Yun Jingyan even felt that if this continued, Mo Chou might just be another Su Qiaohui, who would have to harm his sons and daughters again.

Just last night, Yun Jingyan stayed in that woman's room again, and the woman blew the pillow wind in Yun Jingyan's ear all night. All these pillow winds, without exception, were all about Mo Chou's fault , Said how difficult it is for her to live in the mansion now.

Because of these things, Yun Jingyan encountered all the captives as soon as he returned home today, so he immediately used the problem to make use of it, and immediately made a move on Mo Chou.

The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled tacitly, then both shook their heads lightly, and sighed unconsciously.

After Yun Jingyan left, he went directly to the Fifth Madam's room, handed over the key to the tent and said, "From now on, you will be in charge of the central government in the house."

The Fifth Madam was surprised and delighted at once and said, "Why is Madam willing to hand over the gift in her hand?"

Yun Jingyan said slightly proudly: "From now on, she will not be the wife of the Yunfu, I will divorce her."

The relationship between him and Mo Chou was originally reconciliation, but in this era, the reconciliation was mostly proposed by the woman, so the woman had an absolute advantage in the whole matter. He felt that it would be hurtful to speak of reconciliation in front of his concubine. His manly spirit, so when he said it from his mouth, it became abandonment.

Fifth Madam was stunned for a moment and said, "Master really divorced his wife!"

"That's natural." Yun Jingyan looked at the fifth lady and said, "From now on, you will be in charge of the central government in Yunfu!"

The Fifth Madam happily accepted the key immediately, with a bit of complacency in her eyes, but secretly relieved in her heart.

Only Yun Jingyan knew that he still had plans to abandon Mo Chou this time.

When he married Su Qiaohui in the early years, it was only because of Su Qiaohui's younger brother, the General's Mansion was a smash hit. He clings to Su Qiaohui and climbs up step by step with Su Changqing's help.

Now that his aspect has been done for three years, it is still not stable. He can always feel the pressure coming from all directions, and when he faces Chu Yuanzhou, he always has a feeling of being unable to hold his head up. His son-in-law is so oppressive, he always feels that it is not the same thing.

The most important thing is that Yun Qian didn't listen to him, and didn't let him occupy a little light in the Chu Palace. Judging from that posture, it seemed more like wanting to deal with him.

(End of this chapter)

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