Chapter 1595 It's Not Human
Because of this matter, Yun Jingyan was extremely unhappy, and he was extremely angry with Yun Qian.

So these years, he has also been thinking about many things. Although he helped Mo Chou to be his wife back then, in his heart, he still looked down on Mo Chou and felt that she would not be able to stand on stage after all.

The most important thing is that the Su Mansion has been destroyed, and Mo Chou can no longer help him in his official career. He has been thinking about how to get another wife, so as to stabilize his position.

And Mo Chou took that position again, it seemed a bit annoying.

The opportunity finally made her wait. When he went out a few days ago, he met the young lady from the Lan Mansion, who was also the queen's cousin. That woman was married in the early years, but her husband died of illness.

Yun Jingyan had met the woman once, and although she was a bit older, she was still beautiful, and his mind was immediately moved, thinking that this was an excellent opportunity.

And this time, Mo Chou just said those words, so he naturally wished for them.

As far as he was concerned, if he could marry that woman back home, he would have the Lan Mansion as his foundation in the future. Even if Chu Mo couldn't become the emperor, he could still be his prime minister safely.

He already had this calculation in his heart, and he was very proud of himself, only thinking that what happened today was God helping him.

The Fifth Madam didn't know the tortuous thoughts in his heart, seeing his eyes full of sternness, she unconsciously felt a little worried.

She said softly: "It's very good, thank you, master."

Yun Jingyan smiled lightly, hugged the Fifth Madam into his arms and kissed her: "Now I have fulfilled your wish, and you will have a good time serving me tonight."

Fifth Madam chuckled and said: "That's natural, serving the master is what a concubine should do."

Yun Jingyan let out a lewd laugh, but Fifth Madam said again: "I heard that Young Master Biao is missing, can Master send someone out to look for it?"

Yun Jingyan said coldly: "What is there to find here? I lost it in the mansion. It was just picked up by people in the mansion to play with. What can it do? You, don't bother with those useless thoughts." , serving me attentively is the right thing to do."

Fifth Madam's heart turned cold when she heard the words, no matter what, he was Yun Jingyan's grandson, and his own grandson had such a big incident, yet he acted like a normal person.

How cold-blooded does such a person have to be?

What the fifth lady didn't know was that Yun Jingyan actually had some guesses about the disappearance of Dudu. In his opinion, Yun Chu was the only one who would do such things in the entire Yunfu.

Regarding Yun Chu, Yun Jingyan was very disappointed in his heart. He used to always think that Yun Chu was his hope, but seeing Yun Chu's actions in recent years, he was chilled. From Jingyan's point of view, he was really stupid to the extreme.

It's just that Yun Chu is his son after all, and in his heart, he is somewhat partial.

After Chu Yuanzhou got the news from Qingqing, he frowned slightly. He had never liked Ye Wuchen very much, so he didn't want to ask about Ye Wuchen, but he also knew that Yunqian and Yunzheng had a good relationship. , but this matter cannot be ignored.

He is extremely disdainful of the person who did this thing, how shameless it would be to kidnap a child over two years old, is a person who can do this to such a small child still human?

(End of this chapter)

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