Chapter 1616 Chu Yi's Wrath

Chu Yi ignored Yun Chu, and quickly pulled the curtain aside, only to see that there was only Yun Chu in the carriage, and how could there be any shadow of Ye Wuchen?There was a coldness in his eyes.

Yun Chu glanced at Chu Yi proudly and said, "What's wrong with Prince Jing?"

Chu Yi's eyes glanced at Yun Chu. Chu Yi's temperament has always been cold, and he exudes a three-point cold air on weekdays. At this time, he was angry, and the cold air on his body became even heavier.

Even though Chu Han had always been a shameless person, and often messed around in front of Chu Yuan and Chu Shu, he had never felt such a breath, such a chill, such a domineering aura, clearly revealing a bit of majesty over the world.

He couldn't help but feel fear rising in his heart, he just felt that Chu Yi like this was completely different from Chu Yuan Chu Shu.

He took a step back unconsciously, and Chu Yi ordered with a blank expression: "Come here, this king suspects that Yun Chu has something to do with the kidnapping of An by the young master from the Yexiang Mansion, so tie him up and send him to the yamen."

Yun Chuchu was taken aback by Chu Yi at the beginning, and when he heard his words, he finally came back to his senses, and he said loudly: "Stop, you can't just grab me like this, I am Yun Xiang's son, you grab me like this Do I have evidence? If there is no evidence, my father will definitely not let it go!"

Chu Yi glanced at Yun Chu, his eyes were full of disdain, he snorted coldly and said, "Does this king need evidence to arrest someone?"

When he said these words, he was domineering, but there was a bit of a rascal who didn't belong to him.

Luo Fei secretly glanced at him from the side, and felt that his appearance at this time was quite similar to Chu Yuanzhou, but Luo Fei also disliked Yun Chu very much, so after hearing Chu Yi's words, he directly He grabbed Yun Chu from the carriage.

Yun Chu said angrily, "Prince Jing, you are abusing your power!"

There was still no warmth in Chu Yi's eyes, and those cold eyes glanced at Yun Chu and said: "Whatever you say, if this king says you are guilty, then you are guilty, even if Yun Xiang came here in person, it's the same. Walk!"

He was actually a little annoyed at this moment.

He has been in charge of Jingjiwei for several years, and there has never been such a thing. Yun Chu thinks that he has lived too long, so he dares to tease him like this!
Yun Chu was a little anxious at this moment, he knew Chu Yi's way of dealing with things, so he immediately gave the coachman a wink, the coachman understood, and wanted to drive the carriage away.

Chu Yi unsheathed the long sword in his hand, and laid it across the driver's neck, which immediately scared the driver into a cold sweat.

Chu Yi's cold voice overflowed from his mouth, and he said coldly: "These people are all accomplices, take them all back to me!"

Yun Chu's eyes suddenly widened. He was about to speak when Chu Yi stuffed a torn rag from the carriage into Yun Chu's mouth. That rag was usually used by Yun Chu to wipe shoes. Very, as soon as it was stuffed into his mouth like this, he immediately felt extremely sick, and when he couldn't catch his breath, he immediately passed out.

Ye Wuchen was tied hands, blindfolded, and brought to a secluded place, he sat up from the carriage after hearing no sound from all around, someone opened the door of the carriage soon, and helped him up down.

After he was helped down, he was led around with crutches. After walking like this for about a quarter of an hour, he finally stopped.

With both hands, the cloth covering Ye Wuchen's face was removed. Ye Wuchen's eyes were blindfolded for a long time. At this moment, he was a little uncomfortable with the light. When he saw clearly the person sitting in the pavilion not far away, He was slightly startled and said, "It's you!"

PS: Thank you for your concern. The parts of my broken body will have some minor problems every now and then. This time the doctor said that the problem is not serious, and I am relieved.I really like writing articles, so I have been working hard, thank you for your company!I have to hang water tomorrow, if there will be fewer updates, please forgive me, I am an author with a few manuscripts, I will sweat it first!

Dear friends who have Sina Weibo, please add me as mutual fans. My Sina Weibo name is: Yunqi-Yue Yixichuang, and I will update the progress of the article on Weibo from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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