Chapter 1617 It was him
Chu Tianyou turned his head to look at Ye Wuchen and said, "That's right, it's me, aren't you a little surprised?"

Ye Wuchen and Chu Tianyou didn't know each other very well, they just had some contact with each other in business affairs, but because of their disliked personalities, they seldom talked on weekdays.

In addition, Ye Wuchen was in the Ministry of Officials, and Chu Tianyou was in the Ministry of Punishment, so the two of them didn't have much contact with each other. It's just that the two yamen often saw each other on the first day of their separation. They used to meet each other just as a nod of friendship.

Ye Wuchen has heard a little about Chu Tianyou's temperament. No matter how Chu Tianyou has behaved in the Ministry of Punishment these years, in Ye Wuchen's eyes, Chu Tianyou is a bit sinister. Anyone who offends Chu Tianyou a little God Bless, Chu Tianyou will definitely think hard about calculations.

Therefore, the entire punishment department would detour and stay away from Chu Tianyou when they saw him.

Although Ye Wuchen has always disliked Chu Yuanzhou extremely, but he felt his conscience and said that there is no comparison between Chu Tianyou and Chu Yuanzhou, one is the clouds in the sky, and the other is the mud on the ground.

There was a bit of coldness in his eyebrows and eyes: "There is no enmity between me and you, why did you take them all away?"

If it was all in Yun Chu's hands, Ye Wuchen felt that things were not that bad, but once they were in Chu Tianyou's hands, Ye Wuchen couldn't help sweating.

Ye Wuchen knew about Chu Tianyou's violence and cruelty, and he also knew that Chu Tianyou became like this because of an accident three years ago, and he had lost the right to be a man. Extremely dislike other people's children.

Chu Tianyou gave Ye Wuchen a slanted look, and said in an extremely disdainful tone: "If you don't take Dudu captive, will you let me play around today?"

Ye Wuchen gasped when he heard the words, he suppressed the displeasure in his heart and said: "As long as you let Dudu go, I can do anything."

Chu Tianyou smiled lightly, there was a smugness in his eyes, but a deep coldness appeared in the depths of his eyes, his fingers moved slightly, and he unconsciously squeezed an orchid finger, Ye Wuchen saw his move , I only felt a burst of nausea in my heart, but I suppressed it.

Chu Tianyou raised his fingers lightly, saw a trace of dust in the crevices of the nails, and immediately blew the dust away, and then gently picked it with his fingers.

Seeing Chu Tianyou's actions, Ye Wuchen frowned unconsciously. If it was in the past, he might have turned around and left when he saw this kind of hiccupping behavior, but now he could only force himself to stand over there.

Chu Tianyou finally said unhurriedly: "You said this sentence, I didn't make things difficult for you."

Ye Wuchen was extremely contemptuous of Chu Tianyou in his heart, and felt that Chu Tianyou's actions were much more disgusting than those of the father-in-law in the palace. He suppressed his discomfort, looked at Chu Tianyou and said, "Yes, what are you doing? What do you want me to do."

Chu Tianyou glanced at Ye Wuchen, saw that there was some urgency in his eyes, but he smiled and said: "Sit down, don't worry, let's talk slowly."

They are all in Chu Tianyou's hands, so how can Ye Wuchen not be in a hurry?
It's just that because they are all in his hands, Ye Wuchen has more fears. No matter how anxious he is, he can't do it with Chu Tianyou. He glanced at Chu Tianyou, and after all, he pulled the robe He got up and sat down on the stone bench opposite Chu Tianyou.

(End of this chapter)

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