Chapter 1621 Insidious and fierce
Chu Tianyou smiled triumphantly, glanced at Ye Wuchen and said: "I know what you will do after you go back. You are a smart person, and I will mention everything that should be mentioned. If things are not done well, or If you anger me, you should know what the consequences will be."

Ye Wuchen raised his eyes and glanced at Chu Tianyou, but saw that his eyes were full of sternness. He thought of Chu Tianyou's past actions, and his whole body was sweating all over his back.

But Chu Tianyou stopped paying attention to him, and clapped his hands lightly, someone had already rushed over, then covered Ye Wuchen's eyes, and twisted him out.

Chu Tianyou looked at the way Ye Wuchen was twisted out, and there was a look of complacency in his eyes. In his opinion, the number one prince in the capital was nothing more than that, and he couldn't get on the stage at all.

Binding his son was like killing him.

A man needs to be careless about his son's life like Ye Wuchen, so he can't make a big deal no matter what.

Just thinking about his son, Chu Tianyou felt a little anxious again. He knew that he might never have a son in his life.

He doesn't even have a son, so why should anyone else have a son?

He glanced at Ye Wuchen again, and he couldn't help but feel murderous in his eyes. He felt that he should not kill Dudu for a few days, and wait until Ye Wuchen figured out a way to deal with Chu Yuanzhou's Yun Qian. All of Ye Wuchen's face generals were killed.

Chu Tianyou thought of how much Ye Wuchen cared about Dudu, and then thought about killing Dudu in front of Ye Wuchen. He was afraid that Ye Wuchen would go crazy with anger. When he thought of Ye Wuchen's crazy expression, his heart I feel extremely happy.

How could Ye Wuchen know Chu Tianyou's almost perverted thoughts? When he was twisted and walked forward, he felt the eyes from behind were on his back like thorns. He turned his head and glanced, helpless. Eyes are blindfolded and can't see anything.

Ye Wuchen sighed lightly, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

He just felt that everything was beyond his expectation.

Ye Wuchen had thought of killing Chu Yuanzhou before, but even when he hated Yunqian, he never thought of killing her, but this time he was forced by Chu Tianyou to kill her. I can't bear it.

When he saw Chu Tianyou just now, he didn't quite understand why Chu Tianyou and Yun Chu joined forces to deal with him, but now that he thought about it carefully, he understood seven or eight points.

Thinking about it, Chu Tianyou and Yun Chu both made friends because of profit, and the biggest possibility of this profit is Chu Shu. If Chu Shu can become the emperor, the two scumbags can be regarded as chickens and dogs ascending to heaven.
Now the nominal power of the Chu Palace is in the hands of the Chu Palace, but Chu Yuanzhou also holds great power, and the Chu King has always loved Chu Yuanzhou, and it is difficult to protect him in every possible way on weekdays. As long as Chu Yuanzhou said to do something, the king of Chu would support it with both hands and feet.

Therefore, the real power in the Chu Palace today is not in the hands of the Chu King, but in the hands of Chu Yuanzhou.

Over the years, although Chu Yuanzhou has not made any statement on the surface, he has not told everyone who he supports, and it seems more like he is only loyal to the emperor.

But Ye Wuchen knew that Chu Yuanzhou was supporting Chu Yi. He could see it, and there must be other people in the court who could also see it. This matter was not so much to deal with him, but to deal with Chu Yuan. Boat.

(End of this chapter)

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