Chapter 1622 He's Back
Ye Wuchen sighed helplessly. Chu Yuanzhou supported Chu Yi. Now Chu Shu and Chu Mo are fighting for the throne the most fiercely. It's like getting the throne.

To put it bluntly, as long as the current Chu Palace moves its soldiers and horses, it is nothing more than a drizzle to enclose the capital airtight.

And if Chu Tianyou's military power falls to Chu Tianyou's, then the whole capital will be changed.

When Ye Wuchen thought of this, he felt a chill down his back.

Chu Shu is ruthless, Chu Tianyou is the scum of scum, and Yun Chu is a bit of a scumbag. The combination of these three people is really chilling. They can do such a thing before they are in power. One day he really gains power, I'm afraid the capital will be bloody again.

Ye Wuchen closed his eyes slightly, and sighed almost inaudibly.

He couldn't help asking himself, if he ignored the entire world of Great Zhou because of his son, would it be worth it?

Ye Wuchen felt very conflicted for a moment, but he couldn't think of a better way, and he seemed a little dazed. It was the first time he was worried about such a thing when he grew up.

He grew up reading sage books, so he naturally cared about those big dogmas, but if he was asked to give up his own son's life because of this, he couldn't do it.

For a moment, he only felt extremely embarrassed, but this matter was destined to be impossible to tell others.

Ye Wuchen secretly told himself in his heart that he could definitely think of a solution to this matter, which would not hurt Dudu, nor Yun Qian Chu Yuanzhou.

It's just that after thinking about it again, I feel that his thinking like this is really a bit of self-deception.

Ye Wuchen finally let out a long sigh helplessly.

When he returned to Chu Palace, it was already dark and Chu Yuanzhou had already returned, but when he jumped off the carriage, he was still a little dazed.

Chu Yuanzhou looked at him and asked, "Where did they take you?"

Ye Wuchen glanced at him, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, it should be a very remote place. They blindfolded me when I went there, and they blindfolded me when I came back."

"Who did you see?" Chu Yuanzhou looked into his eyes and asked.

Ye Wuchen felt a little tangled in his heart. If he told everything at this time, he didn't know what would happen. He might be killed immediately. Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were too sharp, and he didn't know why. Just a little faint.

After thinking for a while, he finally said: "I didn't see anyone. After I got there, I only heard a few words."

"What?" Chu Yuanzhou asked again.

Ye Wuchen said slowly: "They asked me how to rescue the fourth prince from the clan mansion."

"What do you say?" Chu Yuanzhou's eyes slightly narrowed into a line.

Ye Wuchen sighed lightly and said: "I'm afraid they will hurt Dudu, so I gave them an idea, telling them to untie the bell and the person who tied the bell, the fourth prince was imprisoned because of the seventh prince, if the fourth prince wants to follow the clan Come out of the mansion, this matter has to fall on the fourth prince's head."

Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised his eyebrows, and then said slowly, "That's all?"

"Yes, that's all." Ye Wuchen didn't sleep almost all night last night, and after another day of tossing around during the day, he also seemed a little tired at this time, his complexion turned slightly pale.

(End of this chapter)

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