Chapter 1626 Not a good day
Yun Qian chuckled when she heard the words, but Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "You can care about your son."

Seeing that the topic had strayed a little far, Yun Qian hurriedly brought it back to the topic and said, "For the matter of Ye Wuchen and Dudu, what is your opinion, Master Shizi?"

"I feel that people have been coerced this time, because they took advantage of Ye Wuchen's weakness. I am afraid that he is also suffering a lot in his heart at this time. This time, he said that he left the palace and returned to the night palace. It's inconvenient, or he was threatened." Chu Yuanzhou analyzed.

Yunqian also had this conjecture earlier, but now she heard what Chu Yuanzhou said, and she felt right in her heart, she said softly: "If that's the case, who does Shizi think he saw today?"

"Today, the queen has been in the palace all day and has not left the palace, so the person he saw must not be the queen." Chu Yuanzhou analyzed softly.

Yunqian sighed softly, but Chu Yuanzhou said again: "Yunchu was imprisoned by Ah Yi, so that bastard must not be able to accomplish anything."

Yun Qian nodded again, and Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "If it wasn't for these two people, then there must be someone else. As for who this person is, it is worth our deliberation."

Yun Qian said softly: "Ye Xiang has been an official for many years. Although the official voice is good, he also has enemies. Now that the imperial power has changed, all forces are eyeing each other. Apart from these two people, I can't think of anyone else who would Do this."

"I have a candidate in mind." Chu Yuanzhou narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Who?" There was a hint of curiosity in Yunqian's eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou replied, "Chu Tianyou."

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, then Chu Yuanzhou slowly said: "Before I entered the palace today, I had been thinking about this matter, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong."

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, and Chu Yuanzhou said in a low voice: "The empress and Chu Shu benefit the most from this matter, but Chu Shu is in the Guanzong mansion, so things can't be done, and the empress lives in the deep palace, so it's not necessary to come out once." It's not easy, so besides Yun Chu doing things for her outside, I need someone else."

Yun Qian frowned, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "It's not that I look down on Yun Chu, but his incompetent skills are far behind Chu Tianyou's. In terms of means and viciousness, he is far inferior to him." Chu Tianyou."

Chu Yuanzhou has often been assassinated in the past few years, but his martial arts is not low, and he didn't take those assassinations to heart. After a few times, it was all over. He has never been a loser. He was assassinated It is necessary to investigate.

No matter how careful Chu Tianyou is, he will show his flaws. After Chu Yuanzhou catches him, he can naturally find Chu Tianyou. According to Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, he can't wait to chop Chu Tianyou up, but the evidence in his hand is not enough. Well, if he killed Chu Tianyou just like that, he might be frightened by the ministers in the court.

He already has the reputation of being a playboy, and he really doesn't want to bear the reputation of killing his own brother again.

So in the past few years, he has been secretly causing Chu Tianyou a lot of stumbling blocks. In the past few years, Chu Tianyou's life has not been easy, but he did it secretly, and Chu Tianyou may not know what he did to him.

It was precisely because he had sent people to watch Chu Tianyou all the time, so whenever there was any movement from Chu Tianyou, he would be able to know immediately.

PS: Thank you for your concern. My fever subsided today, and I finally feel comfortable. Stretch out and breathe some fresh air. This world is so beautiful!
(End of this chapter)

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