Chapter 1627 Metamorphosis

Chu Yuanzhou didn't rely on Chu Tianyou on this matter at first, but today the person he sent to monitor him by Chu Tianyou's side lost Chu Tianyou, which proves that Chu Tianyou also felt sorry for himself. suspicion.

After thinking about it slightly, he knew that Chu Tianyou might have something to do with today's incident.

As long as Chu Tianyou participated in this matter, if he wanted to think about the mystery and Ye Wuchen who left the palace today, the answer would be ready.

Chu Yuanzhou understood in his heart, and picked these things up and told Yun Qian to listen to them. Yun Qian was originally a transparent person, and after hearing his words, he sighed softly and said, "I really didn't expect Chu Tianyou to be with Yun Qian." Chu hooked up together."

Yunqian is someone who knows what Yunchu is like. Over the past few years, she has also gained a deep understanding of Chu Tianyou.

Yun Chu is just shameless, but he just doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, but Chu Tianyou is truly vicious.

Over the years, many maids in Chu Tianyou's room have been tortured to death by him. The first time a maid died, the steward Chu Zhifang told Yun Qian. It happened, but when she saw the maid died, Yunqian just stayed there.

There was hardly a piece of good meat on that girl's body. Her body was rotted into a ball, and her lower body was even more bloody.

Yunqian has practiced medicine for many years, and has experienced all kinds of scenes. She thought that nothing in this world could scare her, but when she saw the death of that maid, she felt cold all over her body!
Yunqian immediately ordered the girl to be buried generously.

Then Chu Tianyou killed a few maids, Yun Qian didn't go to see it again, but told the King of Chu about it.

She didn't know whether the king of Chu went to see the good deeds Chu Tianyou did, anyway, since then, the king of Chu never went to see Chu Tianyou again, and even transferred all the maids in Chu Tianyou's room.

From then on, Chu Tianyou only had a male servant in his room.

Although there were some rude maids outside the house, they would find ways to avoid Chu Tianyou when they saw Chu Tianyou.

Yunqian knew that Chu Tianyou became like this because he lost his life in Feihua Bieyuan three years ago and was inhumane.

It's just that Yun Qian has seen many inhumane people, such as eunuchs in the palace. These people are somewhat vicious and cruel, but Chu Tianyou's appearance is already abnormal, and she has never seen it before.

There was more worry in her eyes, and she said softly: "Chu Tianyou's temperament is afraid that he can do anything, and if it is really in his hands, it will be very dangerous."

Chu Yuanzhou was as worried as Yun Qian, and he said softly: "Not many people in Beijing know about the shady things that Chu Tianyou did in the palace, but what he did in the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, but the things he did in the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment are not known." Nothing is comfortable, although Ye Wuchen and him have not worked together, but we know his character. When we are worried about these, I think Lai Wuchen is also worried."

Yun Qian nodded lightly and said: "You mean that Ye Wuchen didn't mention this matter after he came back today, and maybe Chu Tianyou guaranteed the safety of the capital in front of him?"

"It should be like this." Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "I see this matter is somewhat interesting."

He has his own views on this matter, and he wants to save it no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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