Chapter 1639 To pass the news
Yun Qian was a little surprised to see the two of them after preparing all these, and immediately explained: "Although you are going with me today, but if Chu Tianyou arranges this time, he will definitely find a way to separate the two of you. People get out."

The hearts of the two of them suddenly became clear, knowing that Yunqian did this just in case.

Qingqing said softly: "Concubine Shizi, don't worry, my subordinates will definitely not leave your side for half a step today!"

Yun Qian smiled when she heard the words, and then said with a wry smile in her voice: "If they threaten Dudu's life, I have no other choice."

"They are all just the nephews of the imperial concubine, there is no need to take such risks for him." Yuanyuan was worried about Yunqian, and said this in a panic.

Yunqian's eyes suddenly turned cold, Yuanyuan saw her appearance, knew that she had said something wrong, and said softly, "Shizifei..."

Yun Qian said in a low voice: "They are all the lifeblood of the second sister, there can be no mistakes, even if it is my life in exchange for me."

Yuanyuan's eyes turned red, and she said softly: "This subordinate knows his mistake. As long as this subordinate is alive today, he will definitely not let those people hurt Shi Zifei, and will definitely try his best to rescue them all."

Yun Qian glanced at Yuanyuan, sighed lightly, but didn't say anything more.

Shuxiu's legs and feet are inconvenient, but this time she ran forward with all her strength. Originally, she was not allowed to enter the palace at will according to her status. She had already prepared for it and took out the gold medal that the emperor had awarded Yun Qian.

The previous gold medal was given to Mo Chou by Yunqian. After Mochou followed her to Chu Palace, she felt that the gold medal was useless, so she gave it back to Yunqian. Yunqian just asked Shuxiu to report to Chu Yuanzhou At that time, he gave the gold medal to Shuxiu.

With this gold medal, Shuxiu entered the palace smoothly, but the palace was huge, although Shuxiu had entered the palace several times with Yun Qian, she was not familiar with it.

Shuxiu thought about it carefully, and remembered that Chu Yuanzhou's status in Beijing is outstanding now, and entering the palace is to deal with important matters, and it is also the emperor's edict, so he is probably with the emperor at this time.

So she took the gold medal and asked the father-in-law on duty where the emperor was going. The eunuch on duty saw that she was holding the gold medal and she was a weak woman. At this time, there must be something important to enter the palace in such a hurry, so he took her with him. Went to the emperor's bedroom.

It's just that the emperor was seriously ill at this time, and he had already issued a strict order that no foreign minister could enter without his permission.

And Shuxiu is just a maid in Chu Palace, not even a foreign minister, so naturally she cannot enter.

The little eunuch hurriedly asked the eunuch on duty to look for Chu Yuanzhou, who knew that the eunuch disappeared as soon as he entered, and Shuxiu waited outside for a long time without any movement, she was walking around in a hurry.

Shuxiu was anxious, seeing a big eunuch standing at the door, she said that she was bowing and saying good things, and asked the eunuch to go in and pass the news.

Unexpectedly, the eunuch ignored her, and was overwhelmed so anxiously that he said in a strange way: "This is the emperor's bedroom, who dares to break in? It was just now that Eunuch Qin had already gone in to communicate. It seems that the emperor has something to keep him. You just wait outside."

Shuxiu counted the time, it took her nearly half an hour to get here from the Chu Palace, and she waited for a quarter of an hour after arriving here, if she waits like this, something will happen to Yun Qian.

When she thought about it, she became even more anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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