Chapter 1640
It's just that Shuxiu also knows that the palace is no different than other places, and she can't mess around at all, but at this moment, she is so anxious that she really can't wait any longer, so she took off the emerald hairpin on her head and handed it over, "Eunuch Lao, go again!" Look, it's really urgent."

That hairpin was given to her by Yunqian before, it was a high-quality blue field jade, it was not worth much, if it wasn't for the urgent situation at this time, she would be reluctant to part with it.

Unexpectedly, the eunuch pushed her hand away and said, "Just wait here, I'll come out as soon as you think about it."

The eunuch had stayed in the palace for many years, so he naturally knew that the hairpin was not a vulgar thing, and he couldn't help thinking, a maid in the palace still has such a good thing, if it wasn't for the explanation from the superior, he would have taken it away long ago down.

Seeing that he didn't collect his things, Shuxiu couldn't help but feel even more anxious, and immediately stomped her feet lightly, and there was no better way for a while.

She has been by Yunqian's side all these years, and she is also very knowledgeable. She has a calm mind and is usually not impatient. At this time, the matter is important, and she can't care much about it.

She straightened her heart, gritted her teeth, and immediately shouted loudly: "Master, are you in there? This slave is in a hurry!"

She usually speaks in a soft voice, and her voice has never been loud. At this moment, she knew that if she couldn't call out Chu Yuanzhou, she might never have the chance again.

As for the consequences, she couldn't care less about it at this moment, even if she knew that making noise in the palace might lead to the crime of beheading.As long as Yun Qian is safe, she can trade her life for it!

So when she shouted this, she shouted with all her strength.

The eunuch didn't expect that she was not afraid of death, and dared to yell like this in front of the emperor's bedroom, he shouted loudly: "Where did you come from, little maid, how dare you yell in front of Long Live Lord's bedroom! Man, pull him down!"

Shuxiu couldn't care about herself at this time, and immediately said loudly: "Master Shizi, are you there? Concubine Shizi is in danger, come out quickly!"

Chu Yuanzhou was indeed in the emperor's bedroom at this time. The emperor sent him to discuss state affairs early this morning. Now that Xiliang is about to move, and the court is not very stable, the emperor is most worried about the relegation of the princes.

The emperor originally planned to ask Chu Yuanzhou how he saw the affairs of the princes after finishing the state affairs. He was about to speak, but he heard the shouts of Shuxiu outside.

The emperor's brows frowned immediately, Chu Yuanzhou had recognized Shuxiu's voice, and immediately said: "It's a maid in the palace, and she is in a hurry to enter the palace at this time, I think there is something urgent, please don't ask her about it." crime."

He knew how precious Yunqian was, Shuxiu and Huanyu, the two maids. If something happened in the palace, he might cause him trouble, and Shuxiu always knew how to advance and retreat, so he made such a move at this time Come on, something must have happened.

It's just that no matter what kind of big event it is, he has to save Shuxiu's life first.

The emperor nodded lightly and said, "Go out and have a look first, and talk later."

Although the emperor entrusted Chu Yuanzhou with the handling of major affairs in the court, he was not at ease with Chu Yuanzhou, as long as his body allowed, he would ask a few questions.

And the emperor also placed several eyeliners beside Chu Yuanzhou to stare at Chu Yuanzhou, fearing that he would do anything to deceive others.

(End of this chapter)

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