Chapter 1641
The emperor even made a decision in his heart early in the morning, as long as Chu Yuanzhou dared to hide anything from him, he would immediately use this incident to avenge a crime of bullying the king in the Chu palace.

It's just that since he handed over all the things in the court to Chu Yuanzhou, Chu Yuanzhou has been handling them in an orderly manner, and nothing has been hidden from him. Chu Yuanzhou will explain everything in detail about the affairs of the court Listen with the emperor.

It was precisely because of this that the emperor was relieved of Chu Yuanzhou.

The emperor originally planned to talk to Chu Yuanzhou about asking the Chu Palace to hand over all the rights in his hands today, but seeing that Chu Yuanzhou was in a hurry to go out, he also knew that today's matter might not be possible.

To let the Chu Palace delegate power, the Chu King and Chu Yuanzhou must first be relieved, otherwise, other disasters may happen.

It was precisely because of this consideration that the emperor agreed to let him not punish Shuxiu.

When Chu Yuanzhou walked out, Shuxiu had already been dragged down. Just as he was about to speak, a young eunuch rushed over and said, "Just now, the son was discussing state affairs with the emperor. This girl asked the slave to come to communicate. The slave is afraid of disturbing her." The son and the emperor, so I have been afraid to come in."

Chu Yuanzhou's face darkened when he heard the words, he had seen the eunuch just now, but he didn't say it when he was in the emperor's palace just now, but he said it at this time, the intention couldn't be more obvious.

Chu Yuanzhou has never been a master who can bear anger, not to mention that this time he was tricked by such a little eunuch. He immediately raised his hand and knocked the little eunuch away. The little eunuch's body fell heavily on the ground. On the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and it was impossible to live.

The eunuchs and guards on the side were shocked when they saw this scene. They knew Chu Yuanzhou's temperament very well, but they just thought that this was in the palace. Chu Yuanzhou didn't dare to mess around anyway. As soon as he made a move, he killed someone!
The faces of all the eunuchs suddenly turned pale, and the hand holding Shuxiu loosened.

Shuxiu hurriedly broke free from the eunuchs' hands, ran to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "My son, something happened to my concubine!"

Chu Yuanzhou's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

Shuxiu hurriedly talked about the important things, and Chu Yuanzhou's expression became even worse when he heard this, and he immediately turned his head and said to the eunuch behind him: "Go and tell the emperor, just say that I have something urgent and I have to leave the palace first. "

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for anyone to agree, he picked up Shuxiu, and then strode out.

Do these people in the palace think that he is easy to handle?How dare you plot against him like this!

There are not many people who can suppress this news, so he can naturally guess who wrote it.

It's just that he has no way to settle this account with them today, and he will deal with them another day.

There was a chill in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes. If Yunqian made any mistakes today, he wouldn't mind letting them all come to be buried with him!

When Shuxiu was caught by Chu Yuanzhou, she felt dizzy and blushed unconsciously, but she also knew that Chu Yuanzhou was saving her by taking her out of the palace like this.

If she were placed in the palace at this time, she would definitely die today.

Shuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, she felt that as long as Chu Yuanzhou arrived, Yun Qian would be fine.

When Chu Yuanzhou rushed to the gate of the palace, he threw her on the ground and said, "Go back to the palace by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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