Chapter 1642 His Thoughts
Shuxiu doesn't know martial arts, so taking her there is not only useless, but also a burden. She will be safe after leaving the palace, so he can leave her behind.

Shuxiu was thrown by him like this, and she fell down immediately, but she didn't blame him at all in her heart, knowing that he was in a hurry to save Yunqian.

She was also worried about Yunqian in her heart, but she also knew that she would not be able to help today, so she got into the carriage and hurried back to Chu Palace.

Chu Yuanzhou didn't stop at his feet, but he remembered something again, and immediately ordered the leader of the hidden guards to come over and asked, "Did the queen send something out of the palace last night?"

Ever since suspicions arose towards the queen in his heart, he mobilized secret guards to guard the gates of several palaces.

Originally, based on the skills of the secret guards like Chu Yuanzhou, it was not difficult to enter the palace to monitor the queen, but there are too many guards in the palace, and the queen has accompanied a group of loyal guards in recent years. If the queen took the opportunity to attack again, she would cause a lot of trouble.

So Chu Yuanzhou only sent people to guard the gates of several palaces, and did not let the secret guards enter the palace.

The head of the secret guard replied: "The key to the palace gate was released last night, and the subordinates have been guarding outside the whole time, and there is nothing unusual."

There was a chill in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes. After he robbed Chu Tianyou and the empress's communication pigeon yesterday, Yun Qian had already fallen asleep. He entered the palace early this morning. Yun Qian hadn't woken up before entering the palace. So he didn't tell Yun Qian about this matter. He didn't expect these people to be so restless and act so quickly.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of coldness, and the chief of the secret guard rarely saw Chu Yuanzhou so angry, and immediately said: "It's just that this morning, it was transported out of a small cabinet in front of Chengde gate."

"Where is the small cabinet now?" Chu Yuanzhou asked immediately.

The head of the dark guard replied: "As soon as the small cabinet was brought out, it was carried into the carriage. I have already sent people to follow it."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Chu Yuanzhou shouted angrily. If he knew about this, how could he let them take advantage of this loophole.

Sensing Chu Yuanzhou's anger, the head of the dark guard bowed and said, "This subordinate also wants to report it in time, but the son has not come out of the palace, and the subordinate can't pass any news to the son even if he wants to."

The emperor's bedroom was heavily guarded, no matter how powerful they were, they would not dare to force their way in.

Moreover, if the emperor finds out that Chu Yuanzhou's people forcibly broke into the palace, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

This level, the head of the dark guard is very clear in his heart, and Chu Yuanzhou is also very clear, but today he was a little angry in his heart, and immediately said angrily: "You are also smart on weekdays, but today you are so stupid! "

The head of the secret guard was too afraid to answer because of Chu Yuanzhou's scolding. After seeing Chu Yuanzhou's cursing, he finally said: "We have already robbed that small cabinet. It is in the alley in front."

Chu Yuanzhou immediately glared at the head of the dark guard and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The head of the dark guard also felt wronged in his heart, not because he didn't say it earlier, but because Chu Yuanzhou never gave him a chance to speak.

When the two arrived at the alley, the small cabinet had been opened, and inside was a printed vase with a blue background, which was not Dudu at all.

Chu Yuanzhou's face became even darker, and he immediately said coldly: "Very well, you actually played with me to divert the tiger away from the mountain, so I will have fun with you today."

Dare to count him?Very good, none of these people want to live anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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