Chapter 1643 Activate Azure Dragon
Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of murderous intentions. The hidden guards were a little surprised to see him like this, but no one dared to speak. Chu Yuanzhou immediately said coldly: "Activate Qinglong."

As soon as his words fell, all the hidden guards were shocked.

Qinglong is their code word, and it is the highest execution order among all orders. Any hidden guard who receives this order must put down the matter in his hand and deal with the Qinglong order.

Since they are all one-in-a-thousand hidden guards, as long as they make a move on weekdays, they have never missed it.

It has been more than ten years since Chu Yuanzhou established the secret guard, but he has never used this order.

Another reason why the Qinglong Order is rarely used is that as long as it is the object of their suspicion, they can be assassinated, leaving no one alive.

Moreover, the Azure Dragon Order involves the hidden guards who are no longer around Chu Yuanzhou, as well as all the spies and soldiers that Chu Yuanzhou has scattered inside and outside the capital. No matter what they have in their hands, they have to act immediately when they see the Azure Dragon Order. , to join in this matter.

The head of the dark guard softly persuaded: "My lord, it's not that serious!"

What he was worried about was that if things got serious, Chu Yuanzhou's strength would be exposed, and he was afraid that there would be big troubles.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes slanted and said: "I have been too tempered all these years, so I let these cats and dogs bully me. After all, the son of a bitch is just fighting for the throne. Go, that's why these unsavory things happened. I really made my father anxious, first take away the throne, and let you fight for it!"

The head of the dark guard knew that what Chu Yuanzhou said at this time was just an angry word, but even an angry word was terrible.

Seized the throne?The head of the dark guard agreed with both hands. In his opinion, none of the princes in the entire capital can match their heirs.

It's just that Chu Yuanzhou has always been lacking in interest in the throne, and he has lived in peace all these years, but he didn't expect to say this today.

The head of the dark guard glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "If the prince wants the throne, should he force the palace directly?"

Chu Yuanzhou rolled his eyes at him and said, "Fucking palace, hurry up and save the concubine."

His speed of action was already fast. Although he had arranged a lot of things just now, it only took half a cup of tea.

The reason why he used this little time to investigate these things was because he wanted to know what was going on in Dudu. Without this layer of threat, he could do it freely.

It's just that the queen was so cunning that she made a fake cabinet and sent it out.

After Chu Yuanzhou finished cursing, he flew away. He blew a whistle, and his bloody horse rushed out from the alley beside him. He flew on the horse and disappeared after only a moment.

The chief of the dark guard was anxious, fearing that he would cause something to happen if he was anxious today, so he immediately rushed over with the same dark guard on his horse.

Once the Qinglong order is issued, I am afraid that the entire capital will not be peaceful today.

Chu Yi patrolled the capital according to his past habits, but felt that the capital felt a little different today.

While he was thinking, he saw Chu Yuanzhou rushing out of the city.

Before Chu Yi came back to his senses, he saw several other horses following Chu Yuanzhou out of the city. The horses ran extremely fast, and soon disappeared into the alley, leaving only a speck of dust behind.

(End of this chapter)

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