Chapter 1647 Bored
There was a sharp arrow with a dark blue light on each big bow. With just one glance, Yun Qian knew that those arrows were poisoned, and her eyes suddenly narrowed into lines.

She stood there without moving, her eyes full of cold air.

Her heart was extremely calm at this moment, and there was no trace of panic.

Because she knew very well that if she showed the slightest bit of fear, those arrows would probably have been shot.

The corners of her mouth were even slightly curved, and there was a hint of mockery in her eyes.

Chu Tianyou didn't see the expected panic on her face, he was a little disappointed in his heart, he came out from the side room and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

Yunqian turned her head slightly when she heard Chu Tianyou's voice, and said flatly, "It really is you."

There was a smug look in Chu Tianyou's eyes, but he said, "You guessed it was me?"

"Besides you, who else would invite me to the Chu Palace?" Yun Qian said lightly, "Earlier, I had been thinking about who was so insane that he would attack a child who was only a few years old. After you, I feel that everything is normal, and it seems that there is really nothing in this world that you dare not do."

Her tone was light, neither fearful nor flattering.

Although Chu Tianyou knew her temperament before, seeing her like this now, his eyes were a little more gloomy.

He was a little disappointed not to see her flustered, but another thought arose in his heart.

He looked at Yun Qian and said, "You are practical, but if you don't try to say a few nice words in front of me, I will let you go."

Yunqian knew that he hated her to the bone, had set up such a big game, and spent so much effort to get her here, how could he let her go so easily?She said lightly: "I came here today, and I didn't plan to go back alive."

"Very good." Chu Tianyou took a step closer to her, and said with strong hostility in his eyes, "You are sure to die today."

Yun Qian glanced at him and said, "I can die, you let Dudu go, don't involve the child in the adult's affairs."

In fact, when Chu Tianyou lured Yun Qian here today, he didn't have a lot of ideas in his heart. Although he felt that he would coerce her even if he could use it, he felt that Yun Qian was always shrewd, and it was difficult for him to really help an irrelevant child. Put yourself at risk.

But to his surprise, Yunqian obeyed his arrangement and obediently went to Feihua Bieyuan.

As soon as Yunqian arrives here, he will definitely die today, because he has changed so many places, even if Shuxiu finds Chu Yuanzhou, no matter how capable Chu Yuanzhou is, it is impossible for him to think that he is the one who took them all away. , and would never know that he would bring Yun Qian to Feihua Bieyuan.

Chu Tianyou said disapprovingly: "I really don't have any interest in that little kid. I don't care about his life or death, but you care about him so much, so naturally I can't let you down."

Yun Qian's eyes narrowed, but Chu Tianyou said again: "But you care so much about that little kid, and his usefulness is really not small. Naturally, I have to make good use of it, and you like him so much, so I will let him go later." He went to the underworld with you. I forgot to tell you, I hate children the most in my life!"

This was the worst outcome that Yun Qian could think of before coming here, and she didn't want to be guessed by her.

(End of this chapter)

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