Chapter 1648 The Blessing of Qi People
When Yun Qian was hesitant to come or not to come earlier, she was actually a little bit drummed. At that time, she could clearly guess that the kidnapping was all done by Chu Tianyou. According to Chu Tianyou's ruthlessness, she was going to kill Both her and Dudu are very likely.

There was a hint of coldness in her eyes, and she said sharply: "You said that as long as I come, I will spare Dudu's life. How can you say nothing?"

"I can do whatever I like, so what if I don't care what I say, you bite me!" Chu Tianyou leaned forward slightly after speaking, his white and beardless face was filled with a strong coldness, which made him feel cold. Yun Qian looked at it and felt disgusted.

The coldness in Yunqian's eyes grew stronger, she gritted her teeth and asked, "How do you want to let Dudu go?"

Chu Tianyou said disdainfully: "I never thought of letting Dudu go."

Since Yun Qian came to this world, she has done several decisive things, but she has never had such a strong desire to kill a person.In her two lives, she has never met anyone more perverted than Chu Tianyou.

She suppressed her temper and said calmly, "I am the only person you have to deal with. There is no need to deal with a child like this. Today, you can kill or cut as much as you want. I just ask you to be merciful to everyone. took his life."

Although her tone has always been a little light, but after the end of the sentence, after all, there is a bit of begging.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Tianyou laughed loudly and said, "How is it? Are you scared?"

"I'm not afraid of death." Yun Qian looked at him and said, "It is said that people will ask for something before they die. If someone can fulfill the wish before dying, then that person can join a wealthy family in the next life, and he can also enjoy the benefits of life. Blessings for all people."

After hearing Yun Qian's words, Chu Tianyou's eyes darkened a little, and he quickly said irritablely: "The blessing of Qi people is still in the next life. I may not be able to take care of it in my whole life, so why do I need to think about the next life?"

"Your words are wrong!" Yun Qian looked at Chu Tianyou and said, "But if you think about things in this life, I have a way to make your wishes come true."

"It's up to you!" Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of disdain.

The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly and said: "I have a prescription here, which can make people grow back what has been broken."

All she can do at this moment is delay. The longer she delays, the greater the chance that Chu Yuanzhou will find him, and the greater the chance that she can escape.
When she came here today, after sending Qingqing and Yuanyuan away, she didn't have any doubts about the coachman at that time, but she was always careful in doing things, so the thing about throwing a few grains of rice from the carriage every not far was a lie. The coachman's.

Before she went out today, she had some doubts in her heart.

Chu Tianyou has a stern temper, but he is also considered smart. If he wants to kill her, he will definitely not let her die happily. In this way, Chu Yuanzhou will definitely not come to him easily.

So before she got into the carriage, she asked Huanyu to prepare a small bag of rice and put it in her bag, just in case.

She remembered that before going out, Qingqing asked her what she was doing with the rice, but she didn't answer at that time, but when she was separated from Qingqing, she gently whispered the word rice into Qingqing's ear.

Qingqing has always been astute, so she would have guessed this level after thinking about it.

As long as Qingqing can find her, then Chu Yuanzhou will definitely find her soon.

(End of this chapter)

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