Chapter 1655 Yun Chu is angry
Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of coldness, and he turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Yun Chu said in a nonchalant manner: "The capital is tense today. I heard that Chu Yuanzhou has shown his power, and he is looking for clouds in the capital. Qian, you didn't bring that bitch Yun Qian here, did you?"

His words were interrogative sentences, but his tone was extremely certain, and his eyes looked at Chu Tianyou with a half-smile.

Hearing what he said, Chu Tianyou knew that he had just talked a lot of nonsense with him today, that he wanted to stay here. In the end, he came here for Yun Qian, but he said so much nonsense.

Yun Chu was a little skeptical at first, but now seeing Chu Tianyou's appearance, he was [-]% sure of it.

He immediately stood up and said, "You also know that bitch Yunqian and I have a vendetta against killing my mother. How can you not let me vent my anger when you capture her here?"

Chu Tianyou didn't want Yun Chu to intervene in this matter just now. On the one hand, he was worried that Yun Chu would take away his credit, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Yun Chu would kill Yun Qian.Although he deliberately planned such an overall situation, it was just to save Yun Qian's life, but Yun Qian said that she could make the broken limbs grow back. He will never let go of invigorating the man's glory.

He glanced at Yun Chu and said, "It's nothing, you're thinking too much, come and take Master Yun to the yard to see the scenery."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Chu was full of disdain, he was just an inhumane concubine of the royal family, what kind of spectacle did he put in front of him.

It's just that this is Chu Tianyou's territory after all, so he didn't say anything more.

It's just that Yun Chu still felt a little weird in his heart, didn't Chu Tianyou hate Yun Qian to the bone?If he captured her, how could he let her go so easily?It's a little strange not to talk about her at this time.

When Yun Chu thought about it, he saw that there were not many maids and women in the whole courtyard, not even the young servants who raised flowers and plants.

Yun Chu originally wanted to find someone to ask what happened, but now he couldn't find anyone, and he was even more surprised.

He wasn't originally an elegant person, and he didn't have much interest in things like admiring pear blossoms. Now that he's making such a fuss, he doesn't even want to watch it.

He found an opportunity to get rid of the servants following him, and then sneaked back to the place where he saw Chu Tianyou before.

Yun Chu saw that although Feihua Bieyuan was just another courtyard in Wangfu, it was built more magnificently than Yunfu, and the houses inside were even more exquisite.

A bit of greed grew in his heart, and he thought to himself that if Chu Shu came to the throne in the future, he must find a way to pick up the relationship between Chu Tianyou and Chu Shu, and turn the Feihua Bieyuan into his property.

After he had this idea in his heart, he became even more disdainful towards Yun Chu.

Yun Chu sneaked over from the backyard. He moistened some saliva with his fingers and melted the window paper, but saw that Yun Qian was half leaning in the bedroom, lying there lazily at this moment, quiet and peaceful. grace.

When Yun Chu saw this scene, he immediately became a little annoyed. He originally thought that Chu Tianyou brought Yun Qian here to torture him, because he wanted to enjoy the pleasure of torturing Yun Qian alone, so he kept this matter from him. The thing is, I didn't expect Chu Tianyou to offer Yun Qian's food and drink here.

(End of this chapter)

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