Chapter 1656
As soon as Yun Chu's anger came up, he naturally didn't care so much, and immediately ran to the front door, about to break into the house.

Because Chu Tianyou was worried that Chu Yuanzhou would come here, he had already started to arrange how to assassinate Chu Yuanzhou.

When he captured Yun Qian, he knew that Yi Chu Yuanzhou's ability would only come sooner or later. He originally planned to torture Yun Qian and kill her, but now Yun Qian has For other purposes, he didn't want to kill Yunqian for a while, so he wanted to use this opportunity to lure Chu Yuanzhou here, and then kill Chu Yuanzhou.

Although he hated Yun Qian deep into his bones, it was Chu Yuanzhou who blocked his way forward.

And as long as Chu Yuanzhou dies, after his thing grows in the future, he can torture Yun Qian in any way he wants.

It's just that he also knows Chu Yuanzhou's ability. Looking around the world, there are not many people who can kill Chu Yuanzhou.

Lu Zhu set up such a net for Chu Yuanzhou earlier, and he also escaped, so he must be safe this time.

Because of this kind of thinking, he had already asked people to rub poison on all the utensils. As long as Chu Yuanzhou got a little bit of it, he would definitely die.

As for whether those poisons will hurt his people, he doesn't care. Anyway, what he has to deal with is Chu Yuanzhou. anything wrong.

It's just that this time, Yun Chu was an accident, and he had to take Yun Chu into account.

At this moment, Yun Chu shouted loudly: "Chu Tianyou, you bastard!"

Before Chu Tianyou figured out how to get back, Yun Chu's fist had already hit him. The king of Chu was a martial artist, and Chu Tianyou had learned martial arts. Although he was not very skilled, it was not difficult to dodge Yun Chu's fist.

As soon as his body moved, Yun Chu was blank, and he immediately said angrily: "Why are you crazy?"

Yun Chu gritted his teeth and said, "Earlier you denied that you took that bitch Yun Qian into captivity, so forget it, but now you have brought her here captive, but you serve her with delicious food and drink, that's how you avenge your mother of?"

Chu Tianyou's mind naturally wouldn't say that Yunchu knew about it, so he just said nonchalantly: "That's my business, I don't need you to worry about it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed Yun Chu away.

Since he had long been dissatisfied with Yun Chu in his heart, this push was naturally impolite, and it directly pushed him to the ground.

Yun Chu was thrown by him like this, and said angrily: "Chu Tianyou, how dare you hit me!"

"What are you? What should I do? It's not your turn to teach me!" Chu Tianyou snorted coldly.

The two of them looked like they were going to tear their faces apart.

Yun Chu was very angry when he heard the words, he didn't bring anyone with him when he came today, and it was not Chu Tianyou's best hand to fight alone, so he gritted his teeth and had no choice but to swallow his anger.

Chu Tianyou didn't like Yun Chu and Yun Qian at all in his heart. Seeing Yun Chu's appearance, he suddenly had a poisonous plan. He looked at Yun Chu and said, "Aren't you blaming me for not taking care of Yun Qian? I'm waiting It's up to you to clean her up."

There was a bit of confusion in Yun Chu's eyes, and Chu Tianyou smiled again: "That bitch Yun Qian thinks very highly of herself, and also said that she is devoted to Chu Yuanzhou, you will go to her in a while, see how dare that bitch I dare not be complacent."

(End of this chapter)

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