Chapter 1657 Completely finished
And Yunchu, an idiot who likes to make trouble so much, let him rape Yunqian, and then it would be good for him to watch the excitement from the sidelines, and these two are originally brother and sister, after this incident, he can also Put everything on Yun Chu.

The incest between brother and sister, if it gets out, it will be wonderful, and Yun Chu's life will be completely finished.

His idea was very good, but Yun Chu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "I understand what you mean, this is really the best."

Chu Tianyou didn't expect Yun Chu to agree so happily, and his sinister and cold eyes showed a bit of chill and disdain immediately, he turned his head and said to the guard behind him: "Hurry up and open the door, let Mr. Yun enjoy it." .”

The guard opened the door upon hearing the words, and as soon as the door was opened, Yun Qian was seen sitting there peacefully, with light eyes and no expression.

Yun Chu has always known that Yun Qian is an out-and-out beauty, with a brighter complexion than snow. He didn't think much about it because he hated her before, but for a man, it is definitely a thing to press a woman on top of him. It was a matter of prestige and face, but he didn't know what it would be like to be under him, so he immediately said with a lewd smile: "Fifth sister, I'm here."

Although Yunqian doesn't know martial arts, she has a keen ear. Today, she knew early in the morning that they would not let her go easily, so she kept paying attention to the things in the yard.

So when there was some movement in the yard, she kept paying attention and listening.

It's just that they didn't expect Chu Tianyou and Yun Chu to be so shameless that they thought of such a nasty way to deal with her.

It's just that she has always been calm, even though there is already a fire burning in her heart at this moment, her face is still calm.

She smiled slightly, her eyes were full of peace, as if she hadn't heard their words at all, she smiled slightly and said, "Brother, why are you here?"

Yun Chu usually hates her because he hates her, and he has never looked at her seriously. Hearing her soft-spoken and soft-spoken words at this time, and also his thoughts on her at this time, he just feels that she is sitting there so gentle and calm. She looks like an out-and-out beauty.

He smiled obscenely, and said with a little complacency, "Of course I came to see you!"

The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly, and there was a slight smile in those bright eyes and said: "Oh, so it is like this."

But Yun Chu smiled again: "You are very scared here alone, brother, I will accompany you."

Yun Qian felt disgusted when she heard this sentence, but she still said calmly: "I'm not here alone, my second brother is here too."

After she finished speaking, she pointed lightly at Chu Tianyou who was standing by the door with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, Yun Chu felt lustful in his heart, he glanced at Chu Tianyou and said, "Go outside and wait!"

I didn't want Chu Tianyou to remain motionless, but said very calmly: "I don't need to go out."

After he finished speaking, instead of going out, the person walked in, and then sat down on a large carved chair not far from the small couch, with a bit of interest in his eyes.

Both Yunqian and Yunchu were stunned when they heard his words. Even Yunchu, who had always been a shameless person, frowned after hearing Chu Tianyou's words. Chu Tianyou's meaning was very clear, it was him You have to watch the two of you doing things from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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