Chapter 166

Yunqian sat up slowly, Chu Yuanzhou saw the bracelet in her hand and said, "Auntie, she actually gave you this bracelet, Qianqian, you are so clever."

"Does this bracelet have any special meaning?" Yun Qian asked softly.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened and he said: "It has some meaning, but if she chooses to give it to you, it will be yours from now on. As for the meaning of this bracelet, you will know it later. If you tell the truth today, aunt will be angry."

Hearing what he said, Yun Qian didn't want to ask more questions. Chu Yuanzhou folded his arms around his chest and said, "Qianqian, you are really fierce today, but that Su Ru is not bad at martial arts, and you are too reckless." some."

"I never fight unsure. If I dare to make a move, I will naturally not let myself suffer. Today's incident is just an introduction, and she will suffer in the future." Yun Qianyun said lightly.

Chu Yuanzhou looked at Yun Qian and said, "What's on those needles of yours?"

"It's nothing." The corner of Yunqian's mouth slightly raised and said: "Su Ru is so fierce, but she relies on her family background and beauty. If she loses her beauty, let's see how arrogant she is."

The poison quenched on that needle could not be detected by an ordinary doctor, that kind of poison would not kill a person, she was not that stupid to let Su Rushi die in her hands like that.

That kind of poison is called Qianyin, and it is a very special poison made by using the red grass beside the mountain spring of Zhongshan Mountain as the primer. After the woman was poisoned, her body began to swell and become fat.

If the poison is not removed, the toxicity will deepen day by day, and it can turn the most slender woman into a fat man, and after becoming a fat man, she will gain weight after drinking water, and eventually she will be so fat that she can't walk and her heart will collapse. and died.

Yun Qian was not a vicious person at first, but Su Ru wanted to kill her the first time he saw her. The best way to deal with such a vicious woman is to be more vicious than her!

She is a doctor of poison, and using poison is her specialty. If she wants to poison someone to death, no one can escape from her hands.

Chu Yuanzhou said with great interest: "It seems to offend no one and don't offend you, but Qianqian, how could you treat me like that, you know that I have been suffering from lovesickness for you these days."

"May I ask you what it's like to be in love?" Yun Qian asked with a smile.

Chu Yuanzhou replied solemnly: "The taste of lovesickness is an itch from the heart. The itch is so severe that it penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and then you can't scratch it."

Yun Qian couldn't help but chuckle when she heard the words. What he said was really speechless.

She looked at Chu Yuanzhou with bright eyes and said, "Your Majesty, do you like this kind of taste?"

Chu Yuanzhou gently clung to her ear, blew lightly and said, "Lovesickness breaks people's hearts. I didn't believe this kind of saying before, but now I believe it. The feeling is really wonderful."

Yun Qian originally thought that according to his slightly domineering temperament, he moved so many hands and feet before meeting her, and now that he was alone, he had to scold her, but he didn't want him to talk to her like this.

The breath he blew gently poured into her internal organs through her ears, wrinkled the water in her heart, she took a step back slightly, but he tilted his head slightly and smiled at her.

She took another step back when she saw his malicious smile, he blinked his eyes lightly and said, "Ma'am, I'm still itching badly, and you still plan to let me watch you suffer from lovesickness?" ?"

(End of this chapter)

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