Chapter 167 Undress Him
Yunqian looked at Chu Yuanzhou's handsome eyes, and listened to his words in an incomparably playful way. His so-called lovesickness was nothing more than the poison she had given him.

She frowned slightly: "Please change your clothes, Your Majesty."

Chu Yuanzhou stood up slowly, leaned against her bed and said: "It's not difficult to change clothes, but one has to pay attention to a principle. When you poisoned me, I didn't wear clothes. You have to help me." Return to the way it was before poisoning."

"What if I don't agree?" Yun Qian said disapprovingly.

If you want her to undress him, he will be so beautiful!Besides, he is begging her now, not her begging him.

Chu Yuanzhou pursed his lips slightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't agree, but..."

When he said this, he leaned slightly and pressed down on her body. Yunqian reached out to push him, but felt the wetness around his waist. When she turned her head, she saw bright red hands. His brows frowned slightly.

Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "But I don't have the strength now, let me use your body to support me first, and then change my clothes when I have strength."

Yunqian took his pulse lightly, and his pulse seemed to be floating. She frowned and asked, "Why did your wound open again?"

Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "Didn't you give me medicine to delay the healing of the wound? How could my wound heal so quickly? Besides, when I rescued you in the afternoon, I was really angry and made big movements. The wound was opened. Immediately afterwards, the Third Prince and the Seventh Prince chatted with me for a long time, and when I came out, I couldn't help scratching my pain of lovesickness, and the wound naturally opened wider."

Yun Qian frowned and asked, "My son is really extraordinary, he dares to scratch such a wound with his hands."

"It's all cracked anyway, it doesn't matter if it's bigger." Chu Yuanzhou whispered in Yunqian's ear: "Besides, this is also the poison you poisoned me, so I naturally want to enjoy it."

Yunqian stretched out his hand and pushed his head away from her ear and said, "The prince said that he would respect me, but what he did at this time seems to be inconsistent with our agreement. If you take advantage of me like this at this time, it will Aren't you afraid that I'll give you a poison that will make you survive or die?"

"You won't do that." Chu Yuanzhou said with a light smile, "My wound has opened twice. If it opens again, I guess this little life will be gone. You don't want me to die."

Yun Qian admired his self-confidence very much, and she didn't know where he got such confidence, but she had to admit that he was telling the truth, if his wound opened again, his life would indeed be in danger , and the opening of his wound today has a direct relationship with her.

She always repays every grudge and kindness, and he is also of value to her, so she really can't kill him.

This man sometimes looks harmless, sometimes domineering, and sometimes looks like a ruffian, but in fact he is extremely black-bellied.

Before doing these things, she was eaten to death.

She smiled very cutely and said: "My lord is very right, I really don't want my lord to die."

She was really annoyed in her heart, and bit the word "death" a little bit harder.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled charmingly, then stood up slowly, stretched his hands, Yunqian saw his appearance and wanted to slap him a few times, but she could only walk to his side resignedly and undress him.

(End of this chapter)

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