Chapter 1681
Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's furious look, the head of the dark guard confirmed his guess, and he said anxiously: "My lord, this room is surrounded by black iron, it is impossible for the concubine to come out, you must not You can risk yourself!"

Chu Yuanzhou thought that Yun Qian would be more dangerous if he stayed inside for a while, so he didn't even bother to explain to the chief of the dark guard. He immediately raised his foot and kicked the chief of the dark guard away. With the next step of his foot, he wanted to jump towards the roof , but was pulled by a pair of hands.

He turned his head and saw that it was Chu Yi.

Chu Yi said anxiously: "Yuanzhou, the fire is too strong at this time, you can't just go in like this! I'm afraid that you will not only not be able to save Yunqian, but will put yourself in danger!"

Seeing Chu Yi's face full of concern, Chu Yuanzhou felt anxious, and he was unwilling to explain again, and immediately said sharply: "If there is something wrong with Qianqian, I will never live alone!"

His words were full of sadness, and there was determination in his voice.

Chu Yi knew Chu Yuanzhou's feelings for Yunqian. He was shocked when he heard Chu Yuanzhou's words. Chu Yuanzhou has always been a lazy person. Although there are things he cherishes in this world, Chu Yi has always They all feel that there has never been a thing in this world that cannot survive without someone.

But at this time, he saw the look in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, which was so decisive. For some reason, he believed Chu Yuanzhou's words, but his heart was full of regret. If he was moved by Yun Qian earlier, Heart, but definitely not to the point where Chu Yuanzhou is.

He knew Chu Yuanzhou's character, and he would definitely do what he said he would do, even if he died.

Chu Yi hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'll go with you!"

Chu Yuanzhou glanced at Chu Yi, his eyes flickered, he nodded slightly, then picked up two buckets of water and jumped into the fire with lightness kung fu.

Chu Yi quickly soaked himself from the hands of the dark guard, and then he also carried two buckets of water and jumped in with Chu Yuanzhou.

As Chu Yuanzhou expected, the whole house was surrounded by iron fences, but there was no fence on the roof.

It turned out that when Chu Tianyou planned today's event earlier, the black iron in his hand was limited after all. After finishing the surrounding fences, there were no extra fences, so the roof was not completely sealed.

From Chu Tianyou's point of view, it doesn't matter whether there is a fence on the roof or not. It is covered with fire oil and wood, and no one can jump out of it. Jump in.

Chu Tianyou's temperament is extremely selfish. In his opinion, it is impossible for someone to put himself in danger in order to save others. Even if Chu Yuanzhou loves Yunqian no matter how much he loves Yunqian, it is impossible for him to do such a thing.

This is his idea, and he feels that the whole world has this idea.

At this time, Chu Tianyou was a little confused by the smoke. When Chu Yuanzhou jumped off the roof, there was a loud noise, which made him a little more conscious. From his angle, he could see Chu Yuanzhou jumping in. His eyes were filled with disbelief at the scene.

It's just that he soon saw someone else jumped in, and that person was actually Chu Yi!
If it is said that Chu Yuanzhou jumped in to save Yunqian, Chu Tianyou could still figure it out, but what is Chu Yi jumping in like this, Yunqian has nothing to do with him at all!

Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he said angrily: "Yunqian bitch, you will definitely die a terrible death!"

(End of this chapter)

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