Chapter 1682 Yun Qian is Pregnant
At this time, Chu Tianyou was looking forward to it even more. It would be better if the girders on the roof could not bear it, and all four of them would be buried here alive and burned to death together.

It's just that what Chu Tianyou expected did not appear. After Chu Yuanzhou touched Yun Qian, he quickly flew out with her in his arms.

Chu Yi also hugged Ye Wuchen at this time, and jumped out together with Chu Yuanzhou.

As soon as the two of them went out, the girder lying in the middle collapsed.

Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he shouted loudly in the fire: "Impossible! This is impossible! God, you are so unfair, how can you let that bitch Yunqian survive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the beam hanging above his head fell from above. There were several arrows stuck in his body, and the beam fell on the arrows, and the sharp arrows pierced his body directly, but It didn't pierce his heart, so he couldn't die for a while.

And that beam with flames ignited the clothes on his body in an instant. In an instant, his whole body was on fire. An inch of it was burned to ashes.

There was satisfaction and unwillingness in his eyes, but at this moment, he could no longer shout out, because his throat had been completely hoarse from the fire.

At this moment, a wall collapsed suddenly, and he suddenly saw that Chu Yuanzhou had helped Yun Qian up at this time, Yun Qian's eyes were open, and he had hoped that Yun Qian would be burned to death inside. collapse.

His eyes were wide open, full of unwillingness, but he couldn't make a sound. Soon, his whole body was buried in the fire, and he was burned to ashes by the fire.

When Yunqian was rescued from the fire scene by Chu Yuanzhou, she coughed softly. She was a doctor herself and knew that this was a very normal phenomenon. She raised her eyes and looked at Chu Yuanxiu, but saw his eyes. She was full of concern, her heart moved, she knew that today she was only a little bit away from being separated from heaven and man, and seeing him like this at this moment seemed like a lifetime away.

She was tired for a long time today, and then she fought wits and courage with Chu Tianyou, and was smoked by the fire. She was a little nervous, but at this moment she finally relaxed.

As soon as she relaxed, she felt extremely tired, and she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Her lethargy scared Chu Yuanzhou half to death, and immediately carried her to other rooms in the other courtyard. The head of the dark guard had already gone to invite the doctor.

Ye Wuchen didn't know how to survive in the fire. He stayed inside with Yunqian, and the smoke and dust inhaled into his lungs was much more. When Chu Yi rescued him, he had passed out.

Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's nervous look, Chu Yi's eyes were full of warmth. Seeing that Ye Wuchen was left there and no one cared, he had no choice but to ask the guards around him to carry Ye Wuchen to another room.
The doctor quickly invited over, and after taking Yunqian's pulse, he bowed to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Although the concubine has a few burns on her body, they are not serious. Congratulations, the concubine is happy. The reason why I fainted from time to time was because I was tired and too hungry, and I was frightened today, so I will wake up later."

Chu Yuanzhou froze for a moment when he heard the doctor's words, and the joy burst out of his eyes. After waiting for a long time, he finally became a father, and his heart was filled with joy!
(End of this chapter)

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