Chapter 1683 I really don't know
When Chu Yuanzhou came in, he heard Chu Tianyou say that Yunqian was pregnant. He was somewhat skeptical in his heart. He always felt that the pervert Chu Tianyou was coaxing him. In his heart, he didn't really believe it.

At this time, after Chu Yuanzhou heard the doctor's words, he couldn't hide his joy no matter what, and he immediately said to the secret guard: "Reward the doctor!"

The head of the dark guard knew that he was happy, so he immediately rewarded the doctor with an ingot of about ten taels of silver. March is the most important thing, the concubine was shocked today, although the fetus was not damaged, it's just that the concubine's health is not very good, and she can give birth to a good baby recently."

Chu Yuanzhou nodded lightly. After the doctor went down, he prescribed a prescription for nourishing the fetus. Then the head of the dark guard went to grab the medicine himself, and then decocted the medicine and sent it over.

When the medicine was delivered, Yunqian just woke up. As soon as she woke up, she saw Chu Yuanzhou's eyes full of concern, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, giving Chu Yuanzhou an extremely gentle smile.

Seeing her wake up, Chu Yuanzhou hurriedly helped her up, but with a straight face, he snorted coldly.

Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's appearance, Yun Qian seemed to be really angry, so she hurried to accompany her in a low voice: "I was wrong today, I shouldn't have worried about Dudu's safety, and then I ran out alone, making my son worry."

While she was talking, she carefully looked at Chu Yuanzhou's face. Before going out today, she also had many considerations in her heart. After thinking about it, she was not at ease. Chu Yuanzhou was in the palace again. The scene is obviously too late.

It's just that she also asked Shuxiu to find Chu Yuanzhou at that time, but what she didn't expect was that today's matter was much more serious than expected, and she had a narrow escape from death today.

Thinking of this matter, she did make some mistakes, and she was ready for Chu Yuanzhou to scold her.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanzhou just snorted coldly, Yun Qian saw that although his face was a little unhappy, but there was a look of joy in her eyes but she couldn't hide it no matter what, she couldn't help but feel a little curious.

She said softly: "Master, I also know I was wrong..."

"You know you're wrong!" Chu Yuanzhou glared at her and said, "I'm pregnant, and I still take care of other people's sons, Yun Qian, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? How can you be so stupid?" Looks like it!"

Being scolded by him, Yunqian was stunned for a moment, and immediately stretched out her hand to feel her pulse. After this, her own face was a little weird. Her menstrual period was supposed to come tomorrow, but now she hasn't had it for a month. , and her body didn't have any other abnormal reactions, so she naturally wouldn't think about other things.

But he didn't expect that she was pregnant!
Yun Qian's head was a little confused. Normally, a woman would have to wait until her menstrual period was delayed to find out whether she was pregnant. If it wasn't for this incident, she might have to wait a few days before she knew.

She immediately smiled at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "My menstruation normally won't come until tomorrow. I really didn't know that I was pregnant. If I knew..."

Her tone paused slightly, Chu Yuanzhou tilted his head and looked at her, then snorted softly and said, "If you know, what should you do? Do you still want to come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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