Chapter 1686 The Emperor's Wind
If an ordinary prince heard Ye Wuchen's words, he would have been overjoyed, but Chu Yi asked Ye Wuchen this question very calmly.

Ye Wuchen said indifferently: "Prince Jing is right. Maybe I will still belong to Prince Ming on the surface, but I am already Prince Jing's person in my heart."

He said this to tell Chu Yi that he will still seek affairs by Chu Mo's side in the future, but his heart is towards Chu Yi, that is to say, in the future, he will be Chu Yi's conspiracy and will always be lurking around Chu Mo's side.

After hearing Ye Wuchen's words, Chu Yi glanced at Ye Wuchen and said, "I just saved your life, and I don't want you to violate your morality."

Ye Wuchen sighed and said: "Actually, it's not a violation of my morality. Although I have been reading sage books, what I have always thought about is the way of a gentleman. It's just that when Prince Jing was looking for a dog for me earlier, I I already owe Prince Jing a great favor, and today I owe Prince Jing another life, if I still don’t know how to repay my gratitude, then I will be in vain.”

Chu Yi glanced at him after hearing his words, sighed softly and said: "I helped you find the capital that day, not because of you, but saving you today is just a matter of convenience, you don't have to take it too seriously. "

After Ye Wuchen heard Chu Yi's words, there was a touch of surprise in his eyes. Now all the princes in the capital are almost tearing their faces for the throne, and they are doing their best to win over the ministers of the court to become their own.

At this time, he spoke so clearly that Chu Yi didn't make any threats. This is really rare, and he can also see the ambition from Chu Yi's eyes. He also confirmed from Chu Yuanzhou that Chu Yi also Those who want the throne.

He couldn't help but look at Chu Yi more, but Chu Yi said shallowly: "I really appreciate your kindness, but if I use those things to threaten you to do things for me, it would seem too despicable and shameless If you sincerely want to help me, don’t say anything about repaying your kindness in the future, just be my friend!”

After Ye Wuchen heard Chu Yi's words, there was an unconcealable surprise in his eyes. When Chu Mo adopted him before, he promised a lot of benefits and put in a lot of effort.

And Ye Wuchen also took a fancy to Chu Mo's talent, so he chose Chu Mo among the many princes, because he felt that Chu Mo had the air of ruling the world, but he had always been very clear that Chu Mo's face was against him. It seems that he is very respectful, but he has always only regarded him as a helper for Chu Mo to ascend the throne of God, and never regarded him as a friend for a day.

But Chu Yi had something to threaten him to work for him at this time, but Chu Yi said, let him not care about those things, if you want to help him, treat him as a friend!

Comparing Chu Yi's demeanor with Chu Mo's, Chu Mo seemed too petty and insidious. Although Chu Yi was very cold, his body exuded an upright spirit.By this time, Ye Wuchen finally understood why Chu Yuanzhou supported Chu Yi so much.

"What? Don't you want to be my friend?" Chu Yi asked softly after seeing Ye Wuchen's eyes full of astonishment.

Ye Wuchen looked at Chu Yi and said: "Prince Jing is the prince of a country, he holds great power in his hands, and he is very likely to aspire to the throne in the future. If you let me be your friend this time, you will not be afraid that after you become the emperor , If I tell people about this, will it damage your imperial style?"

His eyes widened after he finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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