Chapter 1687 Be My Friend
Chu Yi heard a slight smile in his cold eyes and said, "You mean, if you become an emperor, you can't have friends?"

Ye Wuchen was stunned for a moment, he had read a lot of history books, and he had also seen the ways of the former emperor and the current emperor. The previous emperors had no friends according to historical records, and the two emperors he saw also had no friends. .

He looked at Chu Yi and said: "Imperial power is supreme, and I have never allowed anyone to play around beside the imperial power."

"If you become the emperor, you will have no friends anymore, so what's the use of having the throne?" Chu Yi looked at Ye Wuchen and said.

Ye Wuchen was too horrified by what he said at this time, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Chu Yi said unhurriedly: "I grew up in Ningde, where, although I am a prince, I am not a favored prince, and the people around me have their own thoughts, so I have never had friends. In In my heart, maybe Yuan Zhou is the only friend who is as close as a younger brother, I have never learned the art of controlling dragons, and I have never agreed with that kind of art."

Ye Wuchen's eyes darkened when he heard the words, he looked at Chu Yi and said, "So, does Prince Jing really want to be friends with me?"

"Naturally." Chu Yi replied calmly: "The reason why I want to be friends with you is not because of Ye Fu, nor because of your unparalleled resourcefulness, but because of what you have done today, and the matter between you and the princess. I heard it a long time ago. I thought you would take this opportunity to attack the Crown Prince and Concubine. After all, this can avenge your previous revenge and remove the biggest opponent for King Ming. But you didn’t do that. It proves that your quality is very good, so I want to be friends with you."

Chu Yi talked a little more than before, and these things were explained quite clearly, but Ye Wuchen felt ashamed in his eyes. In fact, when he came today, he was a little hesitant in his heart.

He said softly: "Thank you, Prince Jing, for your appreciation. I will make a friend of Prince Jing."

After he said that, he stretched out his hand slightly, and Chu Yi stretched out his hand knowingly, and the two held their hands together, with a faint smile in their eyes.

Ye Wuchen knew that there was a bit of scheming in Chu Yi's words today, and there was also a skill in employing people, but in his opinion, Chu Yi's skill in employing people is really harmless. He is also a prince, and Chu Mo will never It is impossible to do Chu Yi like this, this is the biggest difference between the two.

Ye Wuchen also knew that after today, he would be Chu Yi's man, and he would be devoted to Chu Yi.

Of course, he didn't dare to hope that he could really become friends with Chu Yi. After all, if Chu Yi could ascend the throne in the future, then he would be the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and his status was extremely noble. He just had to do his job well.

Chu Yi smiled faintly at Ye Wuchen, and he was slightly relieved.

Minister of the court, Ye Xiang has been an official for many years, and his reputation as an official in the court has always been very good. Ye Wuchen is also quite talented. With their support, he will have a better path in the court in the future.

The Feihua Bieyuan was peaceful tonight, and did not appear flustered by the fire.

Inversely proportional to Feihua Bieyuan is the capital city, which has exploded and become a mess at this time.

When Chu Yi came out, Chu Yuanzhou had just put Yun Qian to sleep, and he also came out of the room at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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